Task Force on Frequency-domain Modeling and Dynamic Analysis of HVDC and FACTS

Task Force Objectives:

— Discuss the latest progress on frequency-domain modeling and dynamic analysis of HVDC & FACTS as well as their interactions with power transmission grids.
— Review standards, grid codes and industry practices on frequency-domain ‘black-box’ modeling requirements, validations (EMT simulations & experiments), and assessments of HVDC & FACTS.
— Bridge the gap between power electronic and power system engineers on stability and interoperability of modern power-electronic-based power systems.

Task Force Registration: Online REGISTRATION Form

Working Group Officers


Professor Xiongfei Wang
Aalborg University, Denmark & KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Professor Xiongfei’s email


Dr. Heng Wu
Aalborg University, Denmark
Dr. Heng’s email

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