Welcome to the IEEE Auxiliary Power Subcommittee (SC-4)!

Who are we: Auxiliary Power Subcommittee (SC-4) is a subcommittee of the Nuclear Power Engineering Committee (members), within the Power Engineering Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

Scope: Treatment of all matters relating to the electric systems which provide power to the safety-related equipment and systems in nuclear power generating stations. Included is the development of these systems, development of examples of preferred design, the application, evaluation and testing of these power systems, the coordination of nuclear standards, the sponsorship of technical sessions, the preparation of and review of technical papers, the dissemination of information to the industry on new developments and the advancement of nuclear engineering with students and educational institutions.

Publications: The Minutes of the SC-4 are published after each meeting. SC-4 members have written “White Papers” that reflect their viewpoints on various subjects and do not necessarily reflect the views of SC-4.

  • To review the latest SC-4 and working group meeting minutes, please click here

Membership: Members of SC-4 develop and ballot IEEE standards and guides. Membership in SC-4 is by invitation or recommendation.

Meetings: The SC-4 meets twice a year. Typically, over 25 representatives of utilities, manufacturers, and consultants come together to share and address the critical technical issues in the area of auxiliary power in nuclear generating stations.

  • For the next meetings:

    25-02: Knoxville, TN – TBD – June 23 -26, 2025

    26-01:  PES JTCM – Courtland Grand Hotel, Atlanta, GA – January 11 -15, 2026

Organization: The Officers consist of a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, and Alternate Secretary.

Links: There are many other IEEE Societies on the Web where you can find the world leaders in many mature and emerging technologies.

Standards and Guides: Working Groups within SC-4 play an important role in the development of IEEE standards and guides and in the dissemination of information regarding auxiliary power in the nuclear industry.

SC-4 Quick Links

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Feedback…..If you have comments or questions concerning the SC-4 Website please contact Nader Eldeiry

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