IEEE-NCS, PES/IAS Chapter Presents
Thursday, April 4th, 2019, 6:00 to 8:30pm, doors open at 5:30pm

Sub-Synchronous Interaction and Harmonic Control Instability Associated with HVDC and Wind Plant Installations

Sub-synchronous interactions (SSI) are a family of physical interactions that involve exchange of energy between a generator and a transmission system at ac frequencies below the system nominal frequency. They include sub-synchronous resonance (SSR), sub-synchronous torsional interaction (SSTI), and sub-synchronous control instability (SSCI). SSR is a phenomenon that can cause increased fatigue or critical failure of generator turbine shaft systems due to an energy exchange between the generator and a series-compensated transmission system, either through sustained or poorly damped oscillations, or transient effects. SSTI occur when an interaction happens between an HVDC link, FACTS device, or other power electronic controller and the mechanical mass system of a generator. The power electronic controller can exhibit negative damping at sub-synchronous frequencies, which can cause un-damped or growing oscillations in the known mechanical torsional modes of oscillation in the generator shaft system. SSCI phenomenon is a control interaction that can occur between any power electronic devices, such as wind turbine, and a series-compensated system. The oscillations resulting from SSCI may grow very quickly. Another SSCI phenomenon is the interaction between power electronic controllers such as grid-connected inverters for renewable energy sources integration. Such resonances can be both sub-synchronous and super-synchronous and may lead to inverter control instability and other dynamic problems when the connected grid is becoming weak.

The objective of this Seminar is to provide an introduction to SSI phenomena including SSR, SSTI and SSCI. To give a guide on how to identify potentiality where SSTI and/or SSCI may be an issue; how to study the phenomena; how to control, mitigate, and/or protect against any adverse effects associated with these interactions; and potential types of system changes or additions that would require equipment owners and/or operators to re-examine their system for the possibility of SSTI and/or SSCI.


Speaker: Jenny Z. Zhou, Ph.D., P.Eng.


received B.Sc. from Southeast University in 1988, M.Sc. and Ph.D. from University of Manitoba in 2003 and 2013 respectively. She was a recipient of Dennis A. Woodford Prize on Power System Modelling and Simulation in 2013 at the University of Manitoba. Currently she is a senior supervising engineer with Teshmont Consulting LP, specializing on HVDC and Power Electronics modelling and analysis. Prior to that she was a senior simulation engineer in Manitoba HVDC Research Centre. During 1988 and 2000, she worked as an system planning engineer and EMS engineer in power utilities in China. Dr. Zhou has thirty years of experience with power system studies with expertise on electromagnetic transient (EMT) studies for power system transients. Dr. Zhou is a registered professional engineer in the provinces of Manitoba, Alberta, Newfoundland and Labrador, a senior member of IEEE and an adjunct professor of the University of Manitoba.


Location:  9107 116 Street, Building: ETLC, Room E1-003, Edmonton, AB  T6G 2V6




Pics from the Event: (Dr. Zhou and Alex Nassif)

2018 NCS PES Outstanding Engineer Award:

The chapter took the opportunity during this event to present the OEA to Dr. Venkata Dinavahi. Dr. Dinavahi has established a strong reputation internationally as an outstanding researcher in the area of real-time digital simulation of power systems. This is demonstrated in 119 refereed journal and 46 conference publications. His contributions are well recognized by peers (Google Scholar Metric, Citations: 4961, h-index: 39, i-10 index: 80). Over the past 20 years he has regularly made pioneering contributions to the development of advanced real-time digital simulation tools and technologies. His two most outstanding contributions are:

  1. Real-time electromagnetic transient simulation of power systems and power electronic systems. The nominee’s creativity generated a slew of innovations with high impact that contributed directly to job creation in the real-time simulation industry.
  2. Large-scale massively parallel power system dynamic and electromagnetic transient (EMT) simulation. This work is visionary and established a new path for simulation of large power systems.


IEEE-NCS, PES/IAS Chapter Presents
Tuesday, February 12th, 2019, 6:00 to 8:30pm, doors open at 5:30pm

Transformer Installation and Testing

This presentation will discuss the processes involved with oil-filled transformers including those of:

  • Receiving a transformer after transport to a substation site
  • Assembly and processing of a transformer at site
  • Testing of a transformer to verify its suitability for service
  • Discussion of integrating the transformer into the power system

Transformers are required in almost every power supply situation. The installation and testing of the transformer verifies its condition at the time it is ready for service as well as forming the baseline or signature tests for all future maintenance and later condition assessment or analysis.

The manner and processes that are used to receive, assemble, process and test the transformer are of fundamental importance to the long life of the transformer.



W.J. (Bill) Bergman, P.Eng. of PowerNex Associates Inc.


  • Associate, PowerNex Associates Inc.
  • Former HV Equipment Specialist at several Canadian utilities (31+ years)
  • Former HV Power Equipment consultant (18+ years)
  • E. (Electrical) – University of Saskatchewan
  • Eng. – University of Calgary
  • 50 years of experience in the application, specification, factory inspection and testing, installation, commissioning, rebuild and failure analysis of transformers for high voltage transmission systems
  • Member and contributor to many CSA, IEC, IEEE Standards/Guides and CIGRE working groups on Transformers and on HV Circuit Breakers


Presentation Slides:Transformer Assembly, Installation & Testing


Location: German Canadian Cultural Center, 8310 Roper Rd NW, Edmonton, AB  T6E 6E3




Embedding Reliability Engineering Practices, A Practical Example

IEEE-NCS, PES Chapter Presents
Tuesday, November 27th, 2018, 6:00 to 8:30pm, doors open at 5:30pm

Embedding Reliability Engineering Practices, A Practical Example

Asset Management, Reliability engineering, predictive and preventative maintenance; these are the new catch phrases of the day. But what do they really mean? What does it look like when implemented? Are reliability engineering and asset management the same thing? How do I present and argue the inherent value of embedding these practices into my business and drive not only compliance but a commitment to doing them and improving them? In today’s talk we will endeavor to help put the topics of Asset management, Reliability engineering, predicative and preventative maintenance in context for electrical utilities, and provide guidance to support your journey in successful implementation and sustainment of these practices.

Key Takeaways:

  • How do you engage the business to deliver?
  • What does a maintenance strategy or reliability practice look like, and where does it fit in ISO55000?
  • How do you sustain and embed what you’ve built?



Dr. Ehsan Abbasi

Ehsan has been with AltaLink as Reliability Engineer – Lifecycle Maintenance Engineering since 2015. He has been active in electrical power industry and academia for more than 12 years with experience on reliability assessment of power transmission and distribution networks, power assets lifecycle, reliability centered maintenance, risk based asset management, condition monitoring along with power system SCADA and IED management solutions. Ehsan received B.Sc. from Amirkabir University of Technology and M.Sc. in Energy Systems Engineering from Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran in 2005 and 2007 respectively. He received M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer from University of Calgary, AB, Canada in 2010 and 2018 respectively. He joined IEEE in 2009 and is currently a Senior Member.

Marina Van Koughnett

Marina Van Koughnett is one of the founding member of TransAlta’s Operational Integrity Program, which combines practices from Asset Management, Process Safety, Environmental Health and Safety and Risk Management to create an integrated operational Management System. As one of the program leads, Marina’s focus was on Operations risk management, Competency management, business planning and strategy and Process Safety. Graduating from Queens University in Engineering in 2004, Marina started her career in TransAlta’s new graduate program. After completing the program Marina found a home in Major Maintenance for Gas and Hydro generation, ultimately progressing to the role of Manager Major Maintenance for Gas & Renewables before transitioning to the development of TransAlta’s Operational Integrity Program.


Location: German Canadian Cultural Center, 8310 Roper Rd NW, Edmonton, AB  T6E 6E3




Granular Computing: Pursuing New Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science

IEEE-NCS, PES and Comp/Comm Chapter Presents
Tuesday, November 20th, 2018, 6:00 to 8:30pm, doors open at 5:30pm

Granular Computing: Pursuing New Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science


Presented By: Prof. Witold Pedrycz


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been enjoying a great deal of interest in the recent years owing to its successful applications reported in various areas including robotics, computer vision, and a plethora of systems engaging natural language processing. Data Science becomes instrumental in data analysis discovering essential dependencies and building prediction and classification models.

We advocate that bringing the concepts, methodologies, and formal frameworks of Granular Computing into the area of AI and Data Science can open new and promising avenues of further research and applications. Granular Computing is defined as a coherent and unified platform of acquiring, processing and communication of information granules delivering a highly needed abstraction mechanism.

The talk is self-contained: the principles and formalisms of information granules along with their underlying design principles are discussed in detail. It is shown that the notion of information granularity assumes an important position by bridging the gap between symbolic and sub-symbolic way of processing realized in AI.

The roles of information granules in various faculties of AI such as knowledge representation, concept formation and their hierarchical organization, problem solving mechanisms are elaborated in detail.   It is also emphasized that information granules play a visible role in revealing and characterizing interpretable relationships (dependencies) in data.



Witold Pedrycz (IEEE Fellow, 1998) is Professor and Canada Research Chair (CRC) in Computational Intelligence in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. In 2009 Dr. Pedrycz was elected a foreign member of the Polish Academy of Sciences and in 2012 a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. Witold Pedrycz has been a member of numerous program committees of IEEE conferences in the area of fuzzy sets and neurocomputing. In 2007 he received a prestigious Norbert Wiener award from the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society. He is a recipient of the IEEE Canada Computer Engineering Medal, a Cajastur Prize for Soft Computing from the European Centre for Soft Computing, a Killam Prize, and a Fuzzy Pioneer Award from the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society.

His main research directions involve Computational Intelligence, fuzzy modeling and Granular Computing, knowledge discovery and data science. His current h-index (Google Scholar ) is 100. Dr. Pedrycz is involved in various editorial activities. He is an Editor-in-Chief of Information Sciences, Editor-in-Chief of WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (Wiley), and Co-editor-in-Chief of Int. J. of Granular Computing (Springer) and J. of Data Information and Management (Springer).  He serves on an Advisory Board of IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems and is a member of a number of editorial boards of international journals.


Location: ETLC 1-003 room at University of Alberta, 116 St NW Edmonton, AB T6G 2V4



Power System Harmonics of Modern Nonlinear Loads w/ Young Professional – Intro to High-Speed Motor Bus Transfer

Tuesday, October 23rd, 2018, 6:00 to 8:30pm, doors open at 5:30pm

Power System Harmonics of Modern Nonlinear Loads w/ Young Professional – Intro to High-Speed Motor Bus Transfer


Young Professional Opening Talk: Intro to High-Speed Motor Bus Transfer

Presented By: Daniel Lang, P.Eng., PES/IAS Chapter Vice-Chair 


Process conditions in many industrial facilities often cannot tolerate discontinuity of critical loads, even momentarily. Operational continuity is provided mainly by high-speed motor bus transfer schemes. This need for speed comes with a trade-off as these systems require complex high-speed relaying to prevent catastrophic transient torsional stresses being imposed on the motor shaft. This presentation provides an overview of typical high-speed bus transfer schemes and their limitations, as well as the extensiveness of the applicable standards.


Daniel Lang is an electrical engineering consultant with GP Technologies in Edmonton. His professional practice involves all areas of power system analysis and design, specifically power system transient and steady state analyses, protective relaying, power system stability, and design of LV and MV distribution systems. Daniel is a Professional Engineer registered in the Province of Alberta and is a member of the IEEE.


Main Technical Seminar: Power System Harmonics of Modern Nonlinear Loads

Presented By: Alexandre Nassif, Ph.D., P.Eng., S.IEEE, NCS Chair and Canada-West PES Chapter Representative 


For decades, harmonics have represented a challenge to electric utilities, manufacturers of power electronics equipment, and users of large nonlinear loads in general. This presentation will cover a background of harmonic generation, propagation, and effects in both distribution and transmission systems. It will present techniques for modeling, measurement and identification of harmonics. It will cover applicable standards, induction coordination issues, and issues that affect measurement reliability.


Alexandre Nassif is a specialist engineer in ATCO Electric. He has published more than 50 technical papers in international journals and conferences in the areas of power quality, DER, microgrids and power system protection and stability. Before joining ATCO, he simultaneously worked for Hydro One as a protection planning engineer and Ryerson University as a post-doctoral research fellow. He holds a doctoral degree from the UofA, is a Professional Engineer in Alberta and a Senior Member of IEEE.


Location: German Canadian Cultural Association, 8310 Roper Rd NW, Edmonton, AB T6E 6E3


Outstanding Engineer Award 2018 Call for Nominations

Greetings IEEE NCS PES/IAS members,

We are currently seeking nominations for the Northern Canada PES/IAS Outstanding Engineer of 2018 award. The award recognizes the outstanding contribution of a local engineer to the power engineering profession, including, but not limited to:

– Outstanding technical contributions to the power engineering profession.

– Outstanding professional and leadership contributions to the power engineering profession

– Significant contributions to the local community representing the power engineering profession.

– Outstanding contributions in the area of power engineering education.

– Service to the Power & Energy Society and/or Industry Applications Society and/or IEEE.

The Northern Canada PES chapter will grant two OEA awards, one in each of two categories:

  1. An IEEE PES member who is no longer an IEEE Young Professional (more than 15 years since university graduation)
  2. An IEEE PES member who is an IEEE Young Professional (15 years or less since university graduation)

IEEE Young Professionals (formerly GOLD) was created in 1996 as a membership program helping young professionals evaluate their career goals, polish their professional image, and create the building blocks of a lifelong and diverse professional network.  Young Professional members are those who have graduated from their first professional degree within the last 15 years.

If you would like to nominate (a) colleague(s) for this award please contact so we can send you the Nomination Form, which has to be sent back to us by September 14, 2018 at 5:00 PM. We will present the award at the Northern Canada Section IAS/PES event held in November 2018.

As per IEEE guidelines the winner needs to be both an IEEE and PES member in good standing and under the jurisdiction of the Northern Canada Section.

Artificial Intelligence Applications to Power Systems 2018

Dear IEEE NCS PES/IAS members,

The Northern Canada Section, in conjunction with the IAS/PES and Comp/Comm local Chapters, as well as AlbertaAI and UofA, is proud to announce we are hosting a full-day workshop called “Artificial Intelligence Applications to Power Systems“.

University of Alberta
Donadeo Innovation Centre for Engineering (ICE), 8th floor
Edmonton, Alberta

Wednesday, September 5, 2018



IEEE 1547 Standard and DER Interconnection

Please join NCS PES/IAS (Edmonton area) for “IEEE 1547 Standard and DER Interconnection” event:

Many countries have implemented renewables portfolio standards (RPSs) to accelerate the pace of deployment of renewables generation, which are distributed across the distribution power system. As the penetration of renewable power generation increases, electricity grids are beginning to experience challenges, which are often caused by intermittent nature of some common renewable generation types, sudden changes of the output power due to grid disturbances, low short circuit duty of the inverter based generators, and impact on the transmission and distribution system protection.
Due to the increasing amount of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) interconnections with the Electric Power System, the IEEE 1547 standard is going through a major revision to address some of the technical challenges associated with high penetration of DERs i.e. grid support functionalities, etc.
The participants will learn about the benefits and challenges of the renewable energy resources interconnections as well as major changes to the IEEE 1547, i.e., voltage regulation, response to abnormal system conditions (including voltage and frequency ride through), power quality, islanding, interoperability, etc.
The participants will also learn about the utility concerns/solutions to adopt the revised IEEE 1547 standard.


University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta

Friday, June 8, 2018

3:00PM to 6:00PM (3 hours)
All times are: Canada/Mountain (MST)

2.30pm: Doors open
2:30-3:00pm: Networking and Refreshments
3:00-6:00pm: Presentation


Babak Enayati received his PhD in Electrical Engineering from Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY in 2009. He is currently a Lead Research Development and Demonstration Engineer at National Grid, Waltham, MA. He joined IEEE in 2006 and currently is Senior Member, IEEE and the IEEE PES Governing Board Member-At-Large. Babak is the Vice Chair of the IEEE Standards Coordinating Committee 21 (SCC21) and IEEE 1547, Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems. Babak is also the Chair of IEEE PES Distributed Resources Integration working group. Babak is a registered Professional Engineer (PE) in the state of Massachusetts.

Register at:

Registration closes Tuesday, June 5, 11:55pm. Registration and pre-payment is extremely helpful. At the door registration and payment is acceptable.

IEEE and ISA joint event: VIP Tours

We’re collaborating with ISA to host VIP tours specifically for our chapter during the ISA Automation and Conference Expo in Edmonton. You may chose one of the three streams that interest you. Please indicate your first and second choice on the registration. 1) Automation and Control Systems 2) Instrumentation 3) Electrical Applications.

An hour long VIP Tour allows us to interact with select exhibitors and highlights innovative products and/or services. Expect pre-planned exhibitor presentations specific to your VIP Tour group, improved information flow, knowledge gain, and your time to be maximized. More information at the ISA AEC website.

IEEE Member End-User VIP – Automation & Control Systems

Date: Wednesday, April 25
Time: 12pm – 1pm
Hear From:

  • Rockwell Automation
  • Cybertech
  • Direct Controls
  • Microwatt Controls
  • Guillevin Automation
  • GS Hitech Controls

IEEE Member End-User VIP – Instrumentation

Date: Wednesday, April 25
Time: 3pm – 4pm
Hear From:

  • Chubb Edwards Signaling Devices
  • FLIR Systems
  • Greyline Instruments
  • Honeywell – BMS
  • Endress + Hauser
  • Detcon Site Sentinel Smart Wireless Detector

IEEE Member End-User VIP – Electrical Applications

Date: Thursday, April 26
Time: 12pm – 1pm
Hear From:

  • CB Engineering – AC Dandy
  • Tundra Process Solutions
  • GE – VFD’s & MCC Packages
  • Magna IV
  • Phoenix Contact Canada
  • Spartech Manufacturing

Even though there is no registration fee, this is a closed event for IEEE members only and please note that registration is limited to a first come, first served basis. Because of concerns on group sizes, each group will be restricted to a size of 10 only. If for any reason you cannot go, please provide notice by April 13 so that your spot can be opened up to someone who is waiting.

To register, click here.

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