Renewable Energy Utilization and Role of Energy Storage and Demand Response for Improved Reliability
Tuesday, September 30th, 2014, 6:00 to 9:00pm, doors open at 5:30pm
Technical Seminar:
“Renewable Energy Utilization and Role of Energy Storage and Demand Response for Improved Reliability”
Opening Talk:
“Networking for Career Development”
Download the preseters’ slides here: Renewable Energy Utilization and Role of Energy Storage for Improved Reliability and Resiliency
Download the .pdf notice here: IEEE-NCS IAS-PES September 30th Edmonton 2014_R0.
Technical Seminar Abstract:
It is expected that demand for electricity will increase rapidly around the globe in the foreseeable future. The increase in demand dictates the need for rapid increase in generation capacity, much of which is expected to be in the form of emission-free renewable energy power generation, including the highly heterogeneous energy sources such as wind and solar. We have already seen the growth of such power generation in the past decade.
This presentation evaluates the potential of several different renewable energy power generation sources. The opportunities and challenges associated with the use of variable renewable energy sources and the role of energy storage and demand response in mitigating their variability in grid-connected and off-grid (islanded microgrid) applications will be discussed. Intelligent power management of multisource microgrids for improved reliability and resiliency, and a vision for a future renewable-energy-based Hydrogen-economy society will also be presented.
For more details for the event or registration questions or concerns please contact the event coordinators Kelly Butz or Carl Lam
Opening Talk: Networking for Career Development
This event is being organized in collaboration between the PES/IAS Chapter and the Northern Canada Section Career/Professional Development Committee.
This talk would provide an overview of networking skill development and debunk the negative connotations associated with networking. In its purest form networking is being authentically interested in the people around you. Authenticity has a powerful effect on career development.