Invited Talk Double Header – Seminar 2 of 2 – Engineering Applications Research at Sensors & Software Inc.
The IEEE Northern Canada Section Antennas & Propagation Society and the Microwave Theory & Techniques Society (IEEE NCS APS/MTTS) joint chapter would like to invite you to attend the next installment of our invited talks. Dr. Nectaria Diamanti, R&D Applications Scientist, Sensors & Software Inc., Mississauga, ON, Canada, will be giving a presentation titled “Engineering Applications Research at Sensors & Software Inc.”
Where: |
ICE 7-395, University of Alberta |
When: |
01-November-2017, 12:15 to 01:00 PM |
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is a well-established method of investigation applied to various geophysical, geological and engineering problems, ranging from environmental monitoring and non-destructive testing to archaeological prospection and remote sensing. The expertise of Sensors & Software Inc. includes the development and application of ground penetrating radar (GPR). We design, develop, manufacture, sell and rent GPR instrumentation and software. As part of our growth, apart from continuous research we perform internally, we also participate in and/or supports research projects performed by external researchers at universities, government institutions and industry. This talk will give a general background and describe research projects we are involved in.
Nectaria Diamanti works at Sensors & Software Inc., Canada in the area of ground penetrating radar (GPR) R&D and applications. She received her B.Sc. in Geology and M.Sc. in Geophysics both from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. She then obtained the Ph.D. degree in Engineering & Electronics from The University of Edinburgh, U.K. Her main research activity involves application of geophysical techniques and especially GPR to geophysical / engineering problems. Her areas of research include: numerical modelling using the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) technique, application of numerical modelling to GPR.