Invited talk: Prof. Motti Haridim
The IEEE Northern Canada Section Antennas & Propagation Society and the Microwave Theory & Techniques Society (IEEE NCS APS/MTTS) joint chapter would like to invite you to attend the next installment of our invited talks. Professor Motti Haridim, H̱olon Institute of Technology, H̱olon, Israel, will be giving a presentation titled “MB antenna- A wire antenna of new type”
Where: |
ICE 7-395, University of Alberta |
When: |
28-August-2017, 03:00 to 04:00PM |
We present an innovative antenna of new type characterized by a very wide bandwidth, and exhibits advantages over both dipole and monopole. It is based on the MB antenna in which source currents are made in-phase and then to a single conductive radiating element. The currents fed to MB antenna’s radiating element are made in-phase by means of a delay line (180-degree phase shifter) introduced in one of the source leads.
The MB antenna is a new kind of antenna recently developed with a single radiating element (like a monopole), and no ground plane (like a dipole). The MB antenna is a multiband antenna radiating at odd-harmonics of its fundamental frequency determined by the delay line used in its feed circuit. The MB antenna can be implemented by the PCB of mobile handsets, acting as the radiating element. Experimental results confirming the validity and the performance of the proposed antenna are presented.
Motti Haridim received his M.Sc. in electrical engineering from the University of Washington in 1986, and his Ph.D in electrical engineering from Technion- Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel in 1992.
Since 1994, he has joined the Faculty of Engineering at HIT- Holon Institute of Technology. During 2002-2008 Prof. Haridim was Head of the Dept. of Communication Engineering at HIT. Currently, he serves as Vice President for academic development at HIT.
Prof. Haridim’s research interests are mainly in the physical layer of communication systems, including optical communications, RF communications, antennas, and electromagnetic radiation. He has published over 100 papers on theoretical and applied aspects of antennas, radiation, RF communications and optical communications. He is Head of the technologies and Engineering aspects of radiation, TNUDA- the Israeli national center for non-ionizing radiation. Prof. Haridim was awarded with a number of prizes and research grants for R&D projects in the fields of antennas and radiation.