The Pre-University Student Workshop and Competition on EMBEDDED SYSTEMS 2021 (EMBED’21) took place on 13th and 14th October 2021 at the Federal University of Technology, Owerri (FUTO). Fifty-five participants comprising 42 students and 13 teachers from nine pre-university schools participated in the event, excluding the facilitators and members of the FUTO SB members,
Sponsored by the Tryengineering STEM PORTAL Grant, the event which was organized by the IEEE Computer Society – Nigeria Section Chapter in collaboration with IoT-Edge Computing Research group of the department of Software Engineering, Federal University of Technology, Owerri started with a welcome message by Dr. Lazarus Uzoechi (Head, department of Software Engineering, FUTO).
Afterwards, Prof Gloria Chukwudebe (Immediate Past Chair, IEEE Africa Council and Dean, School of Information and Communication Technology, FUTO) delivered a goodwill message. Immediately after her message, Prof Olumide Longe (Chair, IEEE Computer Society – Nigeria Section Chapter) declared the event open with a speech.
The event commenced fully after Dr. Emmanuel Amadi administered a pre-workshop test to the participants. Subsequently, Chinedu Igwe took time to educate participants on the effectiveness of teamwork before Dr. Charles Ikerionwu (Councillor, IEEE FUTO SB) made a presentation on the topic: Introduction to the Tryengineering Resources. In his presentation, he introduced the Tryengineering resources by taking participants through the website.
Sam-Obisike Chibueze (Chair, IEEE FUTO SB) made a presentation on the topic: Getting Connected to Ohm’s Law. In his own presentation, Azubuike Erike introduced the various the electronic components while making a presentation on the topic: Familiarization of Electronic Components. Introduction to Circuit Diagrams was done by Florence Elei before Chinomso Okoronkwo made a presentation on the topic: Introduction to Embedded Systems.
Tavershima Akor (Webmaster, IEEE FUTO SB) introduced the Arduino Embedded Systems development platform to participants before Dr. Ikechukwu Ayogu made a presentation on the concept of programming while focusing on scratch programming.
Assisted by Jane Obioma Chinyere, Reginald Ogu (Project Team Lead for EMBED’21 and Webmaster, IEEE Nigeria Section and Africa Council) started the hands-on activities by introducing participants to breadboarding. The rest of the first day and majority of the second day were filled with hands-on practical on embedded systems development with all facilitators helping to guide the participants.
The IEEE day 2021 was briefly celebrated with photographs before the end of the first day. Before the competition phase kick-started, Dr Emmanuel Amadi administered the post workshop test.
For the competition, schools were tasked with developing a traffic light. Lighthouse Startright High School came first in the competition while PAC college came second.
Certificate of participation was presented to participants and feedback survey was conducted. From the survey results, more than 90% of the participants crave that this STEM program continue with the facilitators visiting the individual schools to teach them more on Embeeded Systems.
Jane Obioma Chinyere saying the opening prayers. Sandra Amadi, the event moderator The arrival of Prof Longe Dignitaries at EMBED’21 Dr Laz Uzoechi presenting his welcome message Prof Longe declaring the event open. Prof Gloria delivering a goodwill message. Dr Amadi administering the pre-workshop test Solomon Igwe talking on teamwork Dr Charles introducing participants to resources Introduction to Ohm’s law by Chibueze Erike talks on electronic components Florence introducing circuit diagram interpretation to participants Tavershima talkng on Arduino Dr Ayogu talkng on the concept of programming Introduction to Breadboarding by Reginald Ogu Hands-on activities led by Reginald Ogu
The event was moderated by Sandra Chimeremma Amadi. All photo credit goes to PineArts.