IEEE PELS Malaysia Chapter Celebrates IEEE PELS Day with Insightful Sessions
IEEE PELS Day. The day commenced with a warm welcome from the IEEE PELS Malaysia Section Chair, Assoc. Prof. Ir. Ts. Dr. Rahimi Baharom, setting a positive tone for the event.
The morning session featured a National Lecture Program (NLP) with two distinguished experts. Ts. Dr. Muhammad Ammirrul Atiqi Mohd Zainuri (UKM) delivered an enlightening talk titled “MPPT Vs FPPT: Solar Photovoltaic System Perspective,” while Ir. Ts. Noor Mohd Fadzli B. Hj Othman (Petronas) presented on “Power Electronics Role / Application in Energy Transition – An Oil & Gas Perspective.” These sessions provided participants with valuable insights into the future trends of power systems, particularly in renewable energy, and emphasized the significance of power electronics in the oil and gas sector.
In the afternoon, the IEEE Senior Membership Elevation Workshop was conducted via Google Meet. This virtual workshop was led by Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Tan Chee Wei, UTM (Treasurer for PELS Malaysia Chapter), and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Shahrin Md Ayob, UTM (ExComm for PELS Malaysia Chapter). The workshop aimed to encourage IEEE members to apply for senior member elevation, emphasizing the importance of serving the society.
The PELS Day was attended by 130 participants throughout the event. Special recognition goes to Ts. Dr. Khairul Safuan Muhammad (ExComm for PELS Malaysia Chapter) for successfully organizing this impactful event, ensuring its smooth execution and meaningful content for all participants.
To obtain slides, please click here: NLP1 and NLP2.

Snapshot of the participants after the NLP Session

Snapshot of the participants after the IEEE Senior Member Elevation Workshop

Snapshot during Ts Dr Ammirrul presentation

Snapshot during Ir Ts Noor Mohd Fadzli presentation