Report (15, Jan. 2015): IEEE CEDA All Japan Joint Chapter/CASS Japan Chapter Joint Seminar
IEEE CEDA All Japan Joint Chapter/CASS Japan Chapter Joint Seminar was held and invited two speakers.
Date/Time: 2015 January 15 (Thu) 15:00-16:40
Location: Tokyo Institute of Technology, Lecture Room S321 @ 2F, South Bldg.3, Ookayama Cumpus
(1) Lecture 1: 15:00-15:55
Title: Fast Conditional Design Rule Checking for 28nm and Below Technologies Using Prufer Encoding
Speaker: Prof. Yih-Lang Li (National Chiao-Tung University)
(2) Lecture 2: 15:55-16:40
Title: The Coming of Age of Microfluidics: EDA Solutions for Enabling Biochemistry on a Chip”.
Speaker: Prof. Tsung-Yi Ho (National Chiao Tung University)
Prof. Yih-Lang Li (National Chiao-Tung University) spoke “Fast Conditional Design Rule Checking for 28nm and Below Technologies Using Prufer Encoding” on 15th , Jan. 2015.Prof. Yih-Lang Li (National Chiao-Tung University) spoke “Fast Conditional Design Rule Checking for 28nm and Below Technologies Using Prufer Encoding” on 15th , Jan. 2015.Prof. Tsung-Yi Ho (National Chiao Tung University) spoke “The Coming of Age of Microfluidics: EDA Solutions for Enabling Biochemistry on a Chip” on 15th , Jan. 2015.Prof. Tsung-Yi Ho (National Chiao Tung University) spoke “The Coming of Age of Microfluidics: EDA Solutions for Enabling Biochemistry on a Chip” on 15th , Jan. 2015.