A message from Dajana Cassioli, Chair of the WIE AG IEEE Italy Section (2017-2019)

It is my great pleasure and honor to serve as the Chair of the WIE AG IEEE Italy Section. I handled the foundation of this affinity group, approved by IEEE on December 2nd 2016. I worked hard during the first semester of 2017 to raise awareness about the existence of this group and to boost the involvement of members in its activities. The activities formally started with the first General Assembly held on July 2017, where the election of the officers took place and other relevant roles were assigned.

My experience as IEEE volunteer started with my election as Chair of the Joint COM19/VT06 Chapter of the IEEE Italy Section, which I served from January 2011 to December 2017. Actually, I am an Associate Professor of Telecommunications Engineering at the University of L’Aquila, where my research interests are in the area of ICT. Beyond my experience in education in technical fields, I also gained experience as entrepreneur, with the foundation of SMARTLY s.r.l. in 2014, as spin-off company of the University of L’Aquila. Hence, I really feel like a Woman in Engineering.

Since its foundation, I witnessed the eager willingness of the members of the WIE AG IEEE Italy Section to contribute to its activities. To efficiently coordinate all efforts, I organize a monthly web meeting to keep all members updated about the activities, to receive new proposals and ideas and to move forward towards our common goal of getting women more and more involved in the STEM disciplines and jobs. But our WIE AG goes beyond its boundaries and has established tight relationships with analogous associations sharing the main objectives related to the gender issues: we currently have liaisons with WWE, Women in ICT (AICA), Women in AFCEA – Rome Chapter.

The objectives of the WIE AG IEEE Italy Section have been established by the executive committee at the beginning of activities and are published here. We organize and/or contribute to the organization of events and activities intended to show to women how interesting and pleasant are the STEM disciplines. Our focus is in particular on the youngest women, who are choosing their future careers.

You are all invited to contribute with new ideas; your involvement and participation in our activities is welcome. Start by participating in the monthly meetings: it is free! Join us filling in this form.

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