Tutorial T1: Multi-Energy System Modelling and Flexibility
Abstract: This 3 hour tutorial addresses the main aspects related to the characterization of multi-energy systems, with particular focus on the opportunities in smart grid applications and on the impact of adopting emergent technologies on the electrical system and on the energy networks. Exploiting the potential arbitrage capabilities and flexibility of multienergy systems is a key asset for driving a successful energy transition with growing interaction among different energy carriers. In particular, the interaction of gas and electricity system is gaining nowadays an increasing interest, both from researchers and politics, because of the possibility to exploit the so-called power-to-gas (P2G). The introduction of this new technology needs a proper modelling, for properly integrating it in the current calculation tools. However, this implies to highlight the different aspects, such as the impact of the chemical chain on the electrical quantities, for having a representation of the model as close as possible to the reality.
About the speakers
Andrea Mazza graduated in Electrical Engineering (honors) at Politecnico di Torino (PdT), Torino, Italy, in 2011 and received the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the PdT School in 2015. He is currently a Researcher at PdT. His research activities include distribution system optimization, distribution system reliability, decision-making methods applied to electricity system and integration of Distributed Energy Resources in the electricity grid. Furthermore, under the framework of the European project Store&Go, he is currently working on studying the integration of large power-to-methane plants in electricity systems. Beyond these activities, he is also active in the analysis of the optimal integration of different distribution networks (heat, gas and electricity) for increasing the share of renewable-based dispersed generation in the electricity distribution network. He is member of IEEE (Power and Energy Society) and AEIT (Italian Association of Electrotechnics, Electronics, Automation, Informatics and Telecommunications). He is member and Scientific Coordinator at PdT of CIGRE. He co-authored more than 30 publications, published in international journals and conference proceedings.
Gianfranco Chicco holds a Ph.D. degree in Electrotechnical Engineering and is a Full Professor of Electrical Energy Systems at Politecnico di Torino (PdT). In 2017 he received the title of “Doctor Honoris Causa” from the University Politehnica of Bucharest (Romania). In 2018 he received the title of Doctor Honoris Causa, from the Technical University “Gheoghe Asachi” of Iasi (Romania). He is the Scientific Responsible of the Torino unit of GUSEE – University Group “Electrical Energy Systems”, and the Responsible of the Torino unit of the Italian Consortium ENSIEL. He is a Fellow of the IEEE (Power and Energy Society), a Member of the Italian Association of Electrotechnics, Electronics, Automation, Informatics and Telecommunications (AEIT), and a registered professional Engineer in the Province of Torino, Italy. He is an Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, an Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, an Associate Editor and Subject Editor of Energy, the International journal (Elsevier), an Editor of Sustainable Energy Grids and Networks – SEGAN (Elsevier), and an Editor of Energies (MDPI). He was the Chairman of the IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT) Europe 2017, held in Torino (Italy) on 26- 29 September 2017. He was the Chairman of the Sixth edition of the World Energy System Conference (WESC), Torino, Italy, 10-12 July 2006, the Editor of the Conference Proceedings, and a co-Guest Editor of two Special Issues of WESC 2006 published in the journals Energy and Electric Power System Research (Elsevier). He was the Conference co-Chairman of three editions of WESC held in Romania (Iaşi, 2008, Targoviste, 2010, and Suceava, 2012), and a co-Guest Editor of the Special Issue of WESC 2010 published in the journal Energy. The International scientific production of Gianfranco Chicco includes one book, five book chapters, over 60 journal publications, and over 120 publications in conference proceedings. To October 2018, his h-index is 39 From Google Scholar (with i10-index 115), 31 from Scopus (excluding self-citations), and 28 from Web of science. His research interests include Power System Analysis, Distribution System Analysis and Optimization, Electrical Load Management, Energy Efficiency and Environmental Impact of Multi-Energy Systems, Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence Applications to Power and Energy Systems, Renewable Energy Sources and Distributed Generation, and Power Quality.
Tutorial T2: Some aspects of interaction between solar PV, electric vehicle charging and the electricity grid
Abstract: New equipment connected to the electricity grid will impact the grid in numerous ways. Generally speaking, most impact will be minor and not of much concern. Some impacts will result in unacceptable levels of for example voltage magnitude, transformer loading or supply reliability. With increasing amount of new equipment, the impact will generally increase and with that the probability of unacceptable impacts. The newer the equipment, the less the knowledge on the actual impacts and the more the need for studies even if impacts are likely to be small. The other direction of the interaction, the impact of the grid voltage on new equipment, is often neglected but is equally important especially with large amounts of new equipment.
In this tutorial, the instructors will address the various impacts of new equipment, where the focus is on solar PV and electric vehicle charging, especially when connected to the low-voltage distribution grid. Both impacts of individual devices and impacts of large numbers of devices will be discussed. The following types of interaction will be discussed: high and low supply voltages; high currents; waveform distortion; light flicker; unbalance and massive equipment due to voltage and frequency dips.
About the speakers
Sarah Rönnberg and Math Bollen are leading the research and education in electric power engineering at Luleå University of Technology in Skellefteå, Sweden. Both have broad experience in the study of impact of (new and existing) types of equipment on the grid and of the impact of the grid on equipment.
Tutorial T3: VSC HVDC and HVDC grids
Abstract: This 4 hour tutorial will present the current state of voltage source converter, high voltage direct current (VSC HVDC) and its prospects to build HVDC grids. The tutorial will first explain the need to know basics about HVDC, and the place it takes in modern power systems. It addresses the recent growth of HVDC technology and its future prospects. Furthermore, the control principles of HVDC converters will be addressed, where the focus lies on on the higher level controls and the impacts on the connected systems. Also the protection of HVDC grids will be addressed in greater detail, from protection algorithms up to grid design concepts accounting for DC grid protection. A final topic addresses the grid development including HVDC and its flexibility.
About the speaker
Dirk Van Hertem graduated as a M.Eng. in 2001 from the KHK, Geel, Belgium and as a M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from the KU Leuven, Belgium in 2003. In 2009, he has obtained his PhD, also from the KU Leuven. In 2010, Dirk Van Hertem was a member of EPS group at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), in Stockholm. Since spring 2011 he is back at the University of Leuven where he is an associate professor in the ELECTA group. His special fields of interest are decision support for grid operators, power system operation and control in systems with FACTS and HVDC and building the transmission system of the future, including offshore grids and the supergrid concept. Dr. Van Hertem is an active member of both IEEE (PES and IAS) and Cigré, currently acting as chair of the IEEE Benelux section and as chair of the steering committee of the ISGT Europe conference. He was the general chair of the IEEE EnergyCon 2016 conference, held in Leuven. Dr. Van Hertem has published over 200 publications in scientific journals and conferences. He also edited the first book on supergrids, titled “HVDC GRIDS: for offshore and supergrid of the future”.