The IAS RES Committee welcomes for review and possible publication in IEEE Transactions on IAS papers that have been presented within the last year at an IAS technically sponsored conference, such as ECCE, IAS Annual Meeting, APEC, ICEM.
In order to submit a paper, please email the following information to the Technical Paper Review Chair (TPC) with the following information: (1) corresponding author’s first and last name; (2) corresponding author’s e-mail address; (3) manuscript title; (4) conference name; (5) year of presentation; together with a PDF of your Conference paper, as it was published in the Conference proceedings. Further information for authors is available at
Conference papers recommended for publication MUST BE REVISED before publication in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications or IEEE Industry Applications Magazine.
RES is not requiring a specific amount of change in the revision, authors must be compliant with the long-standing rule that they are not seeking multiple publication of a paper.
The revised version MUST include a reference citation pointing to the earlier conference version.
The authors are asked to provide a BRIEF description (± 200 words) of the revisions in the cover letter.
Exceptions to the ‘presentation first’ policy are only made for so-called ‘special issues’ of IAS Transactions as authorized by the IAS Executive Board.
To submit a paper to the IEEE IAS Transactions under the RES Committee, please email the required information to the Technical Paper Review Chair (TCPRC).
TCPRC (Publications): Eduard Muljadi, Auburn University, USA (