The IEEE IAS Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conversion Systems (RES) Committee has been established in 2011 and is responsible for all matters within the scope of the IAS in which the emphasis or dominant factor specifically relates to the design, analysis, manufacture and use of electric devices and systems for renewable and sustainable energy conversion industrial applications. Topics include, but are not limited to, electric generators and drives for wind turbines, ocean/marine and other renewable and sustainable energy harvesting systems, photo-voltaic, energy storage and micro-grid devices and associated electrical energy conversion systems.

If you would like to volunteer as a reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications and/or IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy and/or IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid and/or ECCE please email the Committee Vice Chair and Technical Paper Review Chair and cc the Committee Chair. In this case, please include a short professional bio and a list of keywords for your expertise. IEEE membership is not an absolute requirement for becoming a paper reviewer.

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