Green Mountain IEEE News

  • Congratulations to the Green Mountain PES Chapter, which won a 2023 IEEE PES High Performing Chapter award!
  • If you’re an IEEE member with at least 10 years of professional, consider trying to elevate to senior membership. See requirements here.
  • Interested in the history of the IEEE in Vermont? Willing to do a bit of digging to find out more? We’re looking for a section historian to gather information and help us tell the story. Contact section chair Josh Burroughs if you’re interested.
  • Check out Inspiring Technology: 34 Breakthrough, an online book highlighting key milestones from the IEEE’s 140 year history.
  • The 2023 Green Mountain IEEE Section annual awards meeting was held November 17, 2023 at the Essex. Awardees can be found here.
  • Congratulations to Joshua Burroughs and Amritanshu Pandey, elevated to IEEE Senior members in August, 2023.
  • Our executive committee online meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 11:00 AM. Email us for more information.
  • Recordings of some IEEE GM meetings are now available on our programs page.

RSS IEEE Spectrum

  • Stories of the War in Ukraine: Volodymyr March 17, 2022
    Over the past week, The Institute has made contact with some of the 400 members of the IEEE Ukraine Section to help them share their experiences during the war. This personal account was written by Volodymyr Pyliavskyi, a senior researcher at the Odessa National Telecommunications Academy in Odessa, Ukraine. “For so long I was planning […]
  • Stories of the War in Ukraine: Hanna March 17, 2022
    Over the past week, The Institute has made contact with some of the 400 members of the IEEE Ukraine Section to help them share their experiences during the war. This personal account, entitled “Real War,” was written by Hanna Porieva, an associate professor of electrical engineering at the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky […]
  • A Russian Perspective on the War in Ukraine March 17, 2022
    The Institute reached out to Russian IEEE members to get their views regarding the war, as citizens, engineers, and IEEE members. Here we share the thoughts of Roman L. Gorbunov, a member of the Siberia section. As our regular readers might know, we sometimes publish opinion articles. These should not be interpreted as official positions […]

RSS IEEE Spectrum news

  • This Neurodivergent Engineer’s Strategy for Success July 16, 2024
    Being diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder as a child hasn’t hindered computer engineer Roberto Moreno from reaching his goals. ASD, a neurodevelopmental disorder, impacts how a person behaves, learns, perceives the world, and socializes with others. Moreno, an IEEE member, is a technical leader for AgenciaSur, a Chilean company that develops tools to help businesses […]
  • A Trillion Rogue Planets and Not One Sun to Shine on Them July 16, 2024
    On 29 October 2020, astronomer Przemek Mróz from the University of Warsaw and an international group of collaborators reported a peculiar flicker of light originating from halfway across our galaxy. The signal, designated OGLE-2016-BLG-1928, was extremely subtle. It caused a single star to brighten and dim by about 20 percent over a 6-hour period, just […]
  • Deepfake Porn Is Leading to a New Protection Industry July 15, 2024
    It’s horrifyingly easy to make deepfake pornography of anyone thanks to today’s generative AI tools. A 2023 report by Home Security Heroes (a company that reviews identity-theft protection services) found that it took just one clear image of a face and less than 25 minutes to create a 60-second deepfake pornographic video—for free. The world […]
  • Inside the Three-Way Race to Create the Most Widely Used Laser July 14, 2024
    The semiconductor laser, invented more than 60 years ago, is the foundation of many of today’s technologies including barcode scanners, fiber-optic communications, medical imaging, and remote controls. The tiny, versatile device is now an IEEE Milestone. The possibilities of laser technology had set the scientific world alight in 1960, when the laser, long described in […]
  • Soft Robot Can Amputate and Reattach Its Own Legs July 13, 2024
    Among the many things that humans cannot do (without some fairly substantial modification) is shifting our body morphology around on demand. It sounds a little extreme to be talking about things like self-amputation, and it is a little extreme, but it’s also not at all uncommon for other animals to do—lizards can disconnect their tails […]