Meeting @ LTi Motion and THM, Campus Gießen
Einladung Chapter Meeting 11_2018
In a typical all grey Novenber setting the active members of the chapter onece again gathered in the middle of Germany.
Host was LTI Motion in Lahnau where we have been invited by Dr. Stephan Beinecke, Head of R&D at LTi Motion.
Dr. Beinecke gave a brief overview over the history of LTi, founded in 1971 bei Karl-Heinz Lust as Lust Antriebstechnik GmbH. In the 1980ies frequency converters where developped. in the 90ies servo drives where added. 2007 the company was renamed LTi motion. In 2013 the compay was sold into the Körber goup.
Latest trends in servo drives moved from perfectiong motor control to motion control of single and multiple axes and now safety.
Technical presentations of the meeting where about high-pseed high-power drives using magnetic bearings by Prof. Dr. Mink and mechatronics systems at LTI by Christoph Riedmann. Frederic Blank, LTi presented about trends in DC-industry. Plus of course – we had a chance to visit the labs and the production.

The evening held a special highlight: the visit to the Justus Liebig historical lab at the University of Gießen with an experimentla lecture taking us back into the time when Liebig invented chenistry as a science in Gießen in the fisrt half of the 19th century.

On Friday we had a chance to get a first hand impression of the reseach in the area of electric engineering at the THM, Prof. U. Probst. Presentations here where about ion drives for sattelites (C. Roessler, THM), battery manangement for electric drives (T Happeck, THM) and optical methods to asses nono surfaces (M. Nickel, THM). Plus of course, again a visit int he labs of the THM.