FW: IEEE PES Monthly Meeting



Fort Worth IEEE PES members, we will have our next IEEE PES virtual meeting on June 15th from 11:30am to 1:00pm. We have Wayne Stec, Principal at Distregen LLC, Flower Mound, Texas, discussing with us about DER & Renewable Energy IEEE Standard Updates, so please attend if you can!


Abstract: DER & Renewable Energy – IEEE 1547 Series of Standards Update

The presentation will focus on an update of the IEEE 1547 series of standards that address interconnection of DER to the grid. The topics addressed include:

  • IEEE Std 1547-2018 – Interconnection & Interoperability of DER  Standard – Overview and status of adoption as well as what is next for this standard.
  • IEEE Std 1547.1-2020 – Conformance test procedure – Overview and status
  • IEEE Std 1547.2 – Application Guide for IEEE Std 1547-2018 – Overview and status of this standard that is being updated
  • IEEE Std 1547.3 – Cybersecurity of DER interconnection – Overview and Status of this standard being revised.
  • IEEE Std 1547.9 – Interconnection of Energy Storage – Overview and Status of this new standard.


·         Date: 15 Jun 2021

·         Time: 11:30 AM to 01:00 PM

·         All times are US/Central

·         Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar

*       iCal
Google Calendar Icon Google Calendar


·         Webinar Info:

o    Meeting link:  

§  https://ieeemeetings.webex.com/ieeemeetings/j.php?MTID=m8bbf0c7e00d5f70cc327cc429a6e931b 

o     Meeting number:  

§  130 097 6308  

o    Password:  

§  keFjwbqu325


·         Fort Worth , Texas

·         United States

·         Fort Worth (FW) Section Chapter, PE31

·         All times are US/Central

·         No Admission Charge




Biography: Wayne Stec



Wayne Stec is Principal at Distregen LLC, Flower Mound, Texas which he founded in 1999. Wayne’s consulting roles include providing guidance for the interconnection of renewable energy, battery storage, and other DER to the electric power system. Clients include national laboratories, research organizations, electric utilities, equipment and service providers, and project developers.


Wayne received his B.S. Degree in Electrical Engineering from Illinois Institute of Technology in 1977, and his MBA from DePaul University in 1988. He has over 45 years of experience in the electrical transmission and distribution industry and in consulting including protection systems, distribution systems, transmission systems, generation systems, storage systems, and advanced metering systems. He has been Principal at Distregen LLC, Indianapolis, Indiana, since 1999. Before that he was Director at R.W. Beck, Manager – Information Technology & Automation at ABB Power T & D, Sales Manager – Protection, Meters & Power System Studies at GE Energy, and Project Manager/Application Engineer/Power Systems Engineer at General Electric.


Wayne currently is active in the several standards organizations: IEEE SCC21 – Vice-Chair in Standards Coordinating Committee 21 that oversees the development of standards in the areas of fuel cells, photovoltaics, dispersed generation, and energy storage, IEEE 1547.2 – Working group chair of IEEE 1547.2 application guide for IEEE 1547, and IEEE PSRC – Active contributor in several Power Systems Relay Committee standards and task force documents.




IEEE PES Monthly Meeting


Fort Worth IEEE PES members, we will have our next IEEE PES virtual meeting on May 18th from 11:30am to 1:00pm. We have the President & CEO of SimpliPhi Power, Catherine Von Burg, along with two company directors, Sequoya Cross and Matt Roberts. They will be discussing with us about Resilience and Distributed Energy Resources, so please attend if you can!

IEEE PES Presentation Overview:

  • Introduction and Evolving Electric Sector Challenges (Catherine)
    • Brief history & Company philosophy
    • Why LFP vs. alternatives
    • LCOES and Understanding $/kWh
    • Overview of the evolving electric sector challenges (Climate Resilience, Regulatory hurdles, Consumer needs)
  • Case Studies & Solutions [Sequoya]
    • Selection of 4-5 case studies as single slides
      • Focus on utility interoperable systems and resilience
      • Highlight of Footprint Project in TX
    • SimpliPhi Products overview
  • Policy and Market Drivers [Matt]
    • Growth in DER’s & Industry shift towards LFP writ large
    • Update on current market drivers, upcoming policies (FERC 2222, Fed ITC, ERCOT ESS participation rules)
    • Microgrid policies and incentives
    • Variable rates and tariffs
    • Policy Recommendations

·         Date: 18 May 2021

·         Time: 11:30 AM to 01:00 PM

·         All times are US/Central

·         Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar

*       iCal
Google Calendar Icon Google Calendar


·         Webinar Info:

o    Meeting link:  

§  https://ieeemeetings.webex.com/ieeemeetings/j.php?MTID=m8bbf0c7e00d5f70cc327cc429a6e931b 

o     Meeting number:  

§  130 097 6308  

o    Password:  

§  keFjwbqu325


·         Fort Worth , Texas

·         United States



IEEE PES Monthly Meeting


Fort Worth IEEE PES members, we will have our next IEEE PES virtual meeting on April 20th from 11:30am to 1:00pm. We have Dr. Julio Romero from Quanta Technology talking with us about Distribution Reliability, so please attend if you can!

·         Date: 20 Apr 2021

·         Time: 11:30 AM to 01:00 PM

·         All times are US/Central

·         Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar

·         Outlook Icon Outlook (vCal)
iCal Icon iCal
Google Calendar Icon Google Calendar


·         Register Now

·         Webinar Info:

o    Meeting link:  

§  https://ieeemeetings.webex.com/ieeemeetings/j.php?MTID=m8bbf0c7e00d5f70cc327cc429a6e931b 

o     Meeting number:  

§  130 097 6308  

o    Password:  

§  keFjwbqu325

·         Fort Worth , Texas

·         United States

·         Fort Worth (FW) Section Chapter, PE31

·         Starts 07 April 2021 12:30 PM

·         Ends 20 April 2021 11:30 AM

·         All times are US/Central

·         No Admission Charge


Dr. Julio Romero


  • Dr. Julio Romero Agüero is Vice President, Strategy & Business Innovation at Quanta Technology. He has 25 years of experience, he provides leadership to Quanta Technology in the areas of technology and business strategy, innovation, grid modernization, distribution systems planning, reliability, resiliency, and integration of distributed energy resources and emerging technologies. He has developed solutions in these areas for electric utilities and regulatory boards in the USA, Canada, Latin America, the Caribbean and Asia. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE and currently serves as Vice President, Membership & Image in the IEEE PES Governing Board. He has served as Chair of the 2020 and 2021 Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference – North America (ISGT – NA), Chair of the IEEE Distribution Subcommittee, Chair of the IEEE Working Group on Distributed Resources Integration, Editor of IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, and Editor of IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. He is an Adjunct Professor at University of North Carolina at Charlotte.


IEEE PES Monthly Meeting Info


Fort Worth IEEE PES members, we will have our next IEEE PES virtual meeting on March 16th from 11:30am to 1:00pm. We have Torsten Gruhn from Bender Inc. talking with us about IMI Technology in Electrical Vehicles, so please attend if you can!

·         Date: 16 Mar 2021

·         Time: 11:30 AM to 01:00 PM

·         All times are US/Central

·         Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar

Outlook Icon Outlook (vCal)
iCal Icon iCal
Google Calendar Icon Google Calendar

·       Register Now

·         Webinar Info:

o    Meeting link:  

§  https://ieeemeetings.webex.com/ieeemeetings/j.php?MTID=m8bbf0c7e00d5f70cc327cc429a6e931b 

o     Meeting number:  

§  130 097 6308  

o    Password:  

§  keFjwbqu325

·         Fort Worth , Texas

·         United States

·         Fort Worth (FW) Section Chapter, PE31

·         Starts 02 March 2021 03:50 PM

·         Ends 16 March 2021 11:30 AM

·         All times are US/Central

·         No Admission Charge


Torsten Gruhn


Torsten Gruhn started out as a certified electrical motor rewinder in Germany. He graduated from trade school and worked on everything electrical that can turn, produce or transform power. He obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering from the University GH in Paderborn, Germany with the emphasis on power generation, transmission and distribution. Main focus at his current position is new business development, sales and the support of ground fault protection for EVSE and isolation monitoring circuitry in EV. He works with numerous universities to support Formula Hybrid and SAE competitions, worked with the progressive auto X-price and supports the Formula E in electrical safety. Torsten has coauthored a couple white papers on the subject matter of ground faults in general industry, of which two made it into IEEE publications.

i.          T. Gruhn, J. Glenney, M. Savostianik, “Type B Ground-Fault Protection on Adjustable Frequency Drives”, in PPFIC Conference Record, 2017. Pp 102-106. DOI 10.1109/PPIC.2017.8003870

ii.         D.Boyd, J.Irzinger, J.Glenney, T. Gruhn, Insulation Monitoring on Common Grounding Methods In the Pulp and Paper Industry PPFIC-2018

Cancellation: IEEE PES Feb Meeting


We are sorry to announce that the IEEE PES meeting for today will be cancelled due to unforeseen work circumstances. We apologize to everyone that took the time to register and scheduled time out of their day to attend our meeting but we will be back next month as planned! We will also be announcing the winner of the $100 amazon gift card this Friday to those that were the first 100 followers on our IEEE PES LinkedIn page!



Power Lecture and Volunteer Opportunity


The doors are open for all Passionate Volunteers who are interested in setting up an event in April on the topic ‘Clean Energy’!


If you are passionate about Clean Energy or know some volunteer who is, we encourage you to be an ambassador.

Below is some detailed information regarding the event.




About the IEEE PES DAY:

On April 22, 2008, the ‘Power Engineering Society’ changed its name to the ‘Power & Energy Society’ to help the environment and society in terms of the Electric Power Industry. This day has been officially commemorated as “PES Day” since 2018 and a group of Volunteers from the energy industry come together to host various events based on the theme during the month (April). The theme for 2021 PES DAY is “Clean Energy Revolution”.

Call for Volunteers:

We have opened the Call for Ambassadors (flyer attached) across all the regions.

If you know a passionate volunteer, encourage them to be an ambassador.  


Sign up to be an ambassador: Click here

Deadline: 20th Feb 2021, 11:59PM/GMT-10



Organize events based on the theme- Clean Energy Revolution

Submit the report for events



Leadership Opportunities

Networking and building global connections

Scholarship Opportunities


Ambassadors category:

IEEE Section

IEEE Student Branch chapter

IEEE YP Affinity Group

IEEE WIE Affinity Group

PES chapter 

PES Student Branch chapter


One Week Impact:

In one week we received +600 responses from 50 countries all across the globe. 

For more info check out the website and follow us on social media (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn) for more announcements.

You can also contact me or our regional lead coordinator Anandhu Kumar at anandhu@ieee.org for any questions.



IEEE PES Monthly Meeting Info

we will have our next IEEE PES virtual meeting on February 23rd from 11:30am to 1:00pm. We have Victor Andrade from ETAP talking with us about Arc Flash Analysis, so please attend if you can!

·         Date: 23 Feb 2021

·         Time: 11:30 AM to 01:00 PM

·         All times are US/Central

·         Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar

Outlook Icon Outlook (vCal)
iCal Icon iCal
Google Calendar Icon Google Calendar

·        Register Now

·         Webinar Info:

o    Meeting link:  

§  https://ieeemeetings.webex.com/ieeemeetings/j.php?MTID=m8bbf0c7e00d5f70cc327cc429a6e931b 

o     Meeting number:  

§  130 097 6308  

o    Password:  

§  keFjwbqu325

·         Fort Worth , Texas

·         United States

·         Fort Worth (FW) Section Chapter, PE31

·         Starts 11 February 2021 03:07 PM

·         Ends 23 February 2021 11:30 AM

·         All times are US/Central

·         No Admission Charge


Victor Andrade


Victor Andrade is an electrical engineering graduate from California State Polytechnic University – Pomona. He has worked at ETAP for 10 years with his current role involving managing the Gulf and South East Regions as their technical sales director.