FW: IEEE PES Monthly Meeting



Fort Worth IEEE PES members, we will have our next IEEE PES virtual meeting on June 15th from 11:30am to 1:00pm. We have Wayne Stec, Principal at Distregen LLC, Flower Mound, Texas, discussing with us about DER & Renewable Energy IEEE Standard Updates, so please attend if you can!


Abstract: DER & Renewable Energy – IEEE 1547 Series of Standards Update

The presentation will focus on an update of the IEEE 1547 series of standards that address interconnection of DER to the grid. The topics addressed include:

  • IEEE Std 1547-2018 – Interconnection & Interoperability of DER  Standard – Overview and status of adoption as well as what is next for this standard.
  • IEEE Std 1547.1-2020 – Conformance test procedure – Overview and status
  • IEEE Std 1547.2 – Application Guide for IEEE Std 1547-2018 – Overview and status of this standard that is being updated
  • IEEE Std 1547.3 – Cybersecurity of DER interconnection – Overview and Status of this standard being revised.
  • IEEE Std 1547.9 – Interconnection of Energy Storage – Overview and Status of this new standard.


·         Date: 15 Jun 2021

·         Time: 11:30 AM to 01:00 PM

·         All times are US/Central

·         Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar

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·         Webinar Info:

o    Meeting link:  

§  https://ieeemeetings.webex.com/ieeemeetings/j.php?MTID=m8bbf0c7e00d5f70cc327cc429a6e931b 

o     Meeting number:  

§  130 097 6308  

o    Password:  

§  keFjwbqu325


·         Fort Worth , Texas

·         United States

·         Fort Worth (FW) Section Chapter, PE31

·         All times are US/Central

·         No Admission Charge




Biography: Wayne Stec



Wayne Stec is Principal at Distregen LLC, Flower Mound, Texas which he founded in 1999. Wayne’s consulting roles include providing guidance for the interconnection of renewable energy, battery storage, and other DER to the electric power system. Clients include national laboratories, research organizations, electric utilities, equipment and service providers, and project developers.


Wayne received his B.S. Degree in Electrical Engineering from Illinois Institute of Technology in 1977, and his MBA from DePaul University in 1988. He has over 45 years of experience in the electrical transmission and distribution industry and in consulting including protection systems, distribution systems, transmission systems, generation systems, storage systems, and advanced metering systems. He has been Principal at Distregen LLC, Indianapolis, Indiana, since 1999. Before that he was Director at R.W. Beck, Manager – Information Technology & Automation at ABB Power T & D, Sales Manager – Protection, Meters & Power System Studies at GE Energy, and Project Manager/Application Engineer/Power Systems Engineer at General Electric.


Wayne currently is active in the several standards organizations: IEEE SCC21 – Vice-Chair in Standards Coordinating Committee 21 that oversees the development of standards in the areas of fuel cells, photovoltaics, dispersed generation, and energy storage, IEEE 1547.2 – Working group chair of IEEE 1547.2 application guide for IEEE 1547, and IEEE PSRC – Active contributor in several Power Systems Relay Committee standards and task force documents.




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