Call For Papers
Please download the call for papers here:
The Annual Electrical Power and Energy Conference (EPEC 2013) will take place in Halifax, NS, Canada from August 21-23, 2013. Located on the coast of Atlantic, Halifax is one of the best living history in Canada, countless festivals & events, and succulent seafood combine with first-rate facilities and cosmopolitan flair to make a unique and unforgettable meeting and convention destination. The objective of EPEC2013 is to provide a forum for experts in Electrical Power and Energy to disseminate their recent research outcomes and exchange views on the future research directions of these fields, and to seek direct cross-fertilization in these areas. Special sessions will be organized. We will also invite renowned experts to give keynote speeches. Bring your family with your research findings to EPEC2013, enjoy our programs and appreciate the natural wonder of Halifax.
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:
Paper Submission:
The format of the paper should follow the IEEE conference papers style. EPEC 2013 will only accept the electronic submission of a full paper in English with maximum six pages on-line by uploading the PDF-format file to Detailed information on paper format and submission procedure can be found on the conference web. Extended versions of accepted papers would be considered for the publication in an international journal as a special issue or book chapters. EPEC 2013 proceedings are included in EI Compendex, IEEE Xplore and ISI Proceedings.
Important Dates:
April 22, 2013 Submission of full papers in PDF and organized session proposals
April 29, 2013 Submission of tutorial and workshop proposals
May 31 2013 Notification of paper and tutorial/workshop acceptance (Couple more Days are needed)
June 25 2013 Submission of final camera-ready papers
There will be an exhibition site at the conference. Companies and institutions who are interested are encouraged to contact the exhibition chair for further information.
Important Dates: