Presentation Objectives:
An overview of the Japan accident including design challenges and human performance issues.
(See attached pdf file for pictures of the Japan accident) Differences in US designs that make a similar event improbable Actions taken by the industry and regulator to further improve margin, and A discussion of World and US nuclear development efforts
Speaker: Jamie Mallon, PSEG Nuclear Development Manager
Jamie Mallon assumed the position of Early Site Permit Manager of Nuclear Development in 2008. He is responsible for PSEG’s Nuclear Development activities which include Reactor Technology Evaluation, Site Feasibility studies, Transmission interconnection, and development of NRC Early Site Permit (ESP) application. The Early Site Permit approves a site as suitable for construction of a nuclear reactor. In addition he has responsibility for leading company efforts to address the regulatory changes implemented as a result of the Fukushima Dai-ichi reactor accident
Mr. Mallon has over 30 years of diverse experience in the Nuclear Power Industry. This includes Licensing, Regulatory Assurance, Training and Radiation Protection at operating reactors, as well as experience in decommissioning and construction of nuclear power plants. Mr. Mallon started his career in 1982 working on the design of the River Bend and Nine Mile Unit 2 reactors. In 1988 he started working at Limerick Generating Station, where he held a number of managerial positions in Radiation Protection. He left Limerick to work at Maine Yankee Atomic Power Station as Radiation Protection Manager. In this capacity he oversaw decommissioning activities for the facility, including the largest nuclear asbestos abatement and shipment of over 20 million pounds of waste from demolition. In 2000 Mr. Mallon became the corporate Radiation Protection Manager for Exelon where he managed development of a common radiation protection program for all 10 reactor sites.
In 2003 Mr. Mallon completed a Senior Reactor Operator certification program at Peach Bottom and became the Training Director on site. He then moved to Regulatory Assurance Manager, where he led station efforts to improve regulatory compliance. Closing three white Nuclear Regulatory Commission Issues and a substantive cross cutting issue in human performance in less than 18 months. All closures inspections occurred on time with no open items. Mr. Mallon became Licensing manager for Salem and Hope Creek Stations in 2006, where he led a successful effort to increase Hope Creek licensed power by 15 % from 1103 MWe to 1268 MWe.
Mr. Mallon obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Physics from Franklin & Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania in 1981.
Presentation Notes:
- The US consumes 19% of the world’s available energy, but has 5% of the population
- World Energy Produced: US is at 14% Nuclear, which is typical of the World. Fossil is about 70%.
- There are 436 operating nuclear plants; 67 under construction
- The US has 100 GW capacity, and about 10 GW under constuction
- Next is France with 65 GW; maybe 2 GW under construction
- Next is Japan with 45 GW; maybe 3 GW planned(??)
- Of note is China, who has about 10 GW now, but 30 GW under construction
- In recent news and of interest is India, which has about 3 GW not, but 3 GW under construction.
- US is rapidly going from lower cost capital coal fired plants to higher capital cost, but much lower fuel cost gas fired plants. Much of the load is going to plants designed for temporary, topping off use.
- New Jersey produced power is 50% nuclear and 40% gas; however, they produce 60% of their demand. The rest comes from the grid.
- Some interesting details about the Fukushima event:
- Mallon was part of a team who were volunteers to help distressed nuclear power sites worldwide.
- Team organized after 9/11.
- The earthquake was handled OK. (designed to withstand 0.47g, actual was 0.53g)
- The cooling water backup generators were flooded, eventually causing meltdowns. (Flood barrier was 5.7 meters, but actual was 14 meters).
- The reactor design was copied from an installation in the US midwest, which had no flooding (or earthquake) damage potential, but did have tornado damage potential. Therefore, in the US, the backup equipment was placed below ground. No design edits were made in spite of the huge difference in environment. Note that most office and non reactor buildings were higher elevation and suffered no damage from either earthquake or flood.
- There was also a design issue with the hydrogen venting system that was not understood for a period of time, but is now understood. This caused the hydrogen explosion problem.
Details about the PSEG Salem and New Hope Nuclear Generating Plants:
- Second largest nuclear site in US at 3575 MW
- Each of the 3 (Salem 1&2 and Hope Creek) units licensed for 60 years; until about 2040.
- 18 month fuel renewal cycle; on site storage of waste good until about 2040.
- New nuclear construction will be of the AP1000 type, where no backup power is needed for cooling.
Presentation PDF: de-ieee-20120730