Message from the 2017 IEEE PES Boston Chapter Chair
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Welcome to the IEEE PES Boston Chapter website. The Boston Chapter of the Power and Energy Society consists of roughly 500 members including power engineering professionals, students, and associates in and around the Boston area. Our chapter provides high quality technical meetings and technical courses to our members and non-members alike. Some of the topics that have been covered recently in our technical meetings include Grid Modernization, Energy Markets, Substation Automation and Arc Flash Safety. We also offer CEU/PDH accredited courses for continuing education in topics such as Energy Storage, Microgrids, Distributed Generation, Symmetrical Components, Equipment Testing and Commissioning, and Distribution and Substation Engineering. The highlight of each year occurs in May, when we hold our annual banquet with a distinguished speaker and honor our Outstanding Engineer Award winners.
Our monthly technical meetings are open to anyone who wants to attend. We are always looking for potential speakers for our Technical Meetings. If you are interested in making a presentation at one of our monthly technical on a topic related to Power and Energy Systems, please contact me or any member of our Technical Meetings Committee.
The IEEE PES Boston Chapter has been recognized twice as the Outstanding Large Chapter in the past 5 years. Our success has been a direct result of the hard work of our members who take time from their busy schedules to volunteer to support our chapter. We are always looking for new volunteers to serve on technical, education, web-publicity and student chapter sub-committees which are the key to the success of our chapter activities. If you would like to help us make our Chapter even more successful, please contact me at my email below or any of the members of our executive committee
Scott Secrest, PE
Chapter Chair
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