
2021 AWARDS CEREMONY — Virtual

Each year the IEEE Albuquerque Section, in collaboration with the UNM Sigma Xi Chapter, recognizes the efforts of its membership to improve the organization and bring merit to our profession.

In previous years, the awards have been presented during the annual banquet. This year, we will …

2021 IEEE Albuquerque Section Awards – open for nominations

Each year the IEEE Albuquerque Section, in collaboration with the UNM Sigma Xi Chapter, recognizes the efforts of its membership to improve the organization and bring merit to our profession.

This year’s awards will be presented at the annual joint IEEE – Sigma Xi banquet on …

October 2020 Albuquerque Section Meeting Minutes

The Albuquerque Section of the IEEE meets on the last Tuesday of the month. The meeting is open to any Section member and it is free of charge for students. The meetings take place at Yanni’s on Central, at 11.30am, except for December, June, and …

September 2020 Albuquerque Section Meeting Minutes

The Albuquerque Section of the IEEE meets on the last Tuesday of the month. The meeting is open to any Section member and it is free of charge for students. The meetings take place at Yanni’s on Central, at 11.30am, except for December, June, and …

2020 IEEE Albuquerque Section Awards

Each year the IEEE Albuquerque Section, in collaboration with the UNM Sigma Xi Chapter, recognizes the efforts of its membership to improve the organization and bring merit to our profession.

In previous years, the awards have been presented during the annual banquet. This year, we did …

August 2020 Albuquerque Section Meeting Minutes

The Albuquerque Section of the IEEE meets on the last Tuesday of the month. The meeting is open to any Section member and it is free of charge for students. The meetings take place at Yanni’s on Central, at 11.30am, except for December, June, and …

February 2020 Albuquerque Section Meeting Minutes

The Albuquerque Section of the IEEE meets on the last Tuesday of the month. The meeting is open to any Section member and it is free of charge for students. The meetings take place at Yanni’s on Central, at 11.30am, except for December, June, and …

April 2020 Albuquerque Section Meeting Minutes

The Albuquerque Section of the IEEE meets on the last Tuesday of the month. The meeting is open to any Section member and it is free of charge for students. The meetings take place at Yanni’s on Central, at 11.30am, except for December, June, and …

March 2020 Albuquerque Section Meeting Minutes

The Albuquerque Section of the IEEE meets on the last Tuesday of the month. The meeting is open to any Section member and it is free of charge for students. The meetings take place at Yanni’s on Central, at 11.30am, except for December, June, and …

IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC) Student Poster Competition

Dear IEEE student members,
The deadline for submitting an abstract for the IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC) Student Poster Competition is October 2, 2020. Please see attached flyer
Students are invited to send ideas or designs for developing projects/products supporting the Key focus areas of …

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