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January 16 – ACS / ACESS Joint Societies Meeting

Dr. Christopher DellaCorte

Timken Endowed Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Director, Center for Engineered Surfaces and Lubrication Engineering
The University of Akron

Space Tribology: A Primer

Tribology is the study of contacting surfaces, friction, and wear. Tribological phenomena are part of our daily lives on earth and can often pose significant engineering challenges. In space, such challenges are amplified by the unusual conditions of vacuum, zero-gravity, and extreme temperatures. Planned future habitations on the moon and Mars will undoubtedly create additional tribological problems and opportunities for new engineering solutions.

In this lecture, basic tribological concepts are introduced alongside the unique characteristics of the space environment. Several examples of space tribology problems encountered on the International Space Station and their solutions are presented that illustrate the importance of good mechanical engineering and sound tribological practices essential to successfully living off-planet.

Register here: ACS – ACESS Joint Societies Meeting – ACESS-Akron Council of Engineering and Scientific Societies

Venue: Missing Falls Brewery, 540 S. Main St, Akron, Ohio in the Event Room
(Parking available in front of building, easy direct access to event room)

5:45 pm: Social-Networking time
6:30 pm: Dinner
7:15 pm: Speaker Presentation

Cost: Buffet, Cash Bar: $25 Employed Members and Guests; $10 Students, Retirees, or Unemployed
Welcome to High school students and families interested in engineering and science fields and how to achieve your future.


Engineers Week – Canton Joint Engineering Council

2025 National Engineer’s Week Banquet

Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Location: La Pizzeria – Crystal Room, 3656 Dressler Road, Canton, OH 44718

Topic: Insights To A Professional Race Team
Speaker: Neil Fife, Meyer Shank Racing

Cost: $50 per person ($60 after February 3, 2024)
IEEE Members + 1 guest: $45 each

Last day for reservations: Tuesday, February 11, 2024

Payment: Pay cash or check at the door (check made out to “IEEE – Akron/Canton Section”)

Menu: Family Style Meal includes: dinner salad, chicken, scrod, sausage & peppers, green beans, potatoes, penne pasta, dessert, and beverage

Registration: Contact r.buchanan@ieee.org or call (330) 497-8250
Please include your meal choice

University of Akron students looking for Co-op positions – can you help?

Students from The University of Akron’s Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technology (EEET) program will be graduating and looking for employment in May. With the COVID pandemic, the process may be somewhat different for both employers and perspective employees this year. Students in our program are graduating with either Associate of Applied Science and Bachelor of Science degrees in EEET. Employers can post positions and review resumes on the university Handshake system.

If you have a position announcements for the program bulletin board or to share them electronically with students you can forward the information to Professor Andrew Milks P.E. at aem36@uakron.edu. The EEET programs are now part of the College of Engineering and Polymer Science and we are housed in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. More information about the EEET and other departmental programs can be found at https://www.uakron.edu/engineering/ece/.

Canton Engineer for A Day Program Needs Computer Company Sponsors

The Canton Joint Engineering Council (CJEC) is looking for computer related companies (employing computer engineers) located in the Canton, Ohio area to participate in an Engineer for a Day program which offers Senior High School students opportunities to spend part of a day with an engineer during Engineers Week in February. We find that there are more and more students interested in computer engineering but not many companies available to accommodate one or more students in this discipline. If you know of a company or someone who works for a company in the Canton area that hires computer engineers, please contact Brian Werner at brian.werner@timken.com. Thanks for any input.

Executive Committee Meeting (EXCOM)

The next ExCom meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 11.

ExCom meetings are typically held on the second Tuesday of the month at 6:00 pm at the Waterloo Restaurant in Akron, or on Zoom when necessary. Please contact Jim Dowey at jldowey@msn.com if you wish to participate. All members are welcome to attend.