Amory Wakefield

Amory WakefieldAmory Wakefield is currently Director of Product at True Fit Corporation in Woburn, MA. She has spent over 15 years managing products at top technology companies in Massachusetts, including MathWorks, Texas Instruments, and E Ink.

Amory is passionate about helping women and other under-represented groups succeed in technology careers. She volunteers time to many initiatives, including programs sponsored by Big Sister, MentorNet, Smith College Picker Engineering Program, Cambridge Friends School, UMass Lowell and MIT. In addition, she served for over a decade on the Alumnae Board of the MIT Women’s Independent Living Group, helping young women develop leadership skills and navigate entering the workforce. Professionally, she has served as an official mentor within several organizations, and continues to be an informal mentor to many current and former colleagues.

Amory has been a member of IEEE since 1997 and is currently a member of the IEEE 3D Body Processing Working Group. Amory has both a Bachelors and Masters degree from MIT in Electrical Engineering.