Md Mahbubur Rahman
Chief Technical Officer
Mahbubur Rahman received his B.Eng. degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from University of Chittagong, Bangladesh. Besides he has been working as a server administrator at Rumy Technologies LLC, Bangladesh. He is currenty doing Masters Degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Univerversity of Chittagong, Bangladesh.
In April, 2019 Mahbubur Rahman own the Best Poster Presentation award in “Engineering Day 2019” organized by department of EEE, University of Chittagong.
- Chittagong University Robotics & Innovation Club
- Md. Abdul Kaium Khan, Towqir Ahmed Shaem, Mahbubur Rahman, Abdullah Zowad Khan, Mohammad Shah Alamgir, “A Portable and Less Time-Consuming Wireless Biometric Attendance System for Academic Purpose Using NodeMCU Microcontroller”, 2018 21st International Conference of Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), Dhaka, 2018, DOI: 10.1109/ICCITECHN.2018.8631954
- Ariful Islam, Kohinur Akter, Noor Jahan Nipu, Amlan Das, Md. Mahbubur Rahman, Mohimanur Rahman, “IoT Based Power Efficient Agro Field Monitoring and Irrigation Control System: An Empirical Implementation in Precision Agriculture”, 2018 21st International Conference of Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT)2018 2nd Int. Conf. on Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology (ICISET),27-28 October 2018, Chittagong, Bangladesh
Complete profile can be found at Mahbubur Rahman