• Sponsors & Patrons











Import Notice:

We have been informed that a number of authors had trouble submitting their paper through our system. In case of difficulty submitting your paper while we are working on this problem, please email your paper to jason.gu@dal.ca. We’ll get your paper in the system.


Event Details:

Dates: August 21-23, 2013

Location: Marriott Harbourfront Hotel, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada


Important Dates:

April 22, 2013   Submission of full papers in PDF and organized session proposals
April 29, 2013   Submission of tutorial and workshop proposals
May  31 2013  Notification of paper and tutorial/workshop acceptance(Couple more Days are needed)
June 25 2013  Submission of final camera-ready papers


1- All Accepted Papers that are Presented will be Published in IEEE Xplore
2- Papers in These and Related Technologies are Encouraged
3- Technical as well as Policy Papers will be Considered
4- All Papers will be Scheduled for Presentation
5- In Addition to the Papers Presentation, there will be Four Panel Sessions (One per Theme) with Distinguished Speakers


EPEC Background

Here is a list of the past symposia (EPS) and Conferences (EPC) themes:

•    2012: Resilient Green Energy Systems for a Sustainable Society
•    2011: Advanced Technologies for Emerging Power Systems
•    2010: Sustainable Energy For an Intelligent Grid
•    2009: Sustainable/ Renewable Energy Systems and Technologies
•    2008: Energy Innovation
•    2007: Renewable and Alternative Energy Resources
•    2006: From Tesla’s AC Power System to Distributed Generation & Smart Grids
•    2005: Convergence of Power and High Technologies
•    2004: Ontario’s Tough Electricity Choices
•    2003: Supply and Demand Challenges
•    2002: Tricks and Treats in Evolving Electricity Markets
•    2001: Electricity Deregulation (in Ontario)