SCVT 2017 – Keynote speech announcement

10am, 14 November 2017, Leuven, Belgium

Jan Craninckx

Title: Millimeter-wave CMOS circuits for 5G backhaul and access

Abstract. At the 2019 World Radiocommunication Conference, the ITU will propose millimeter-wave bands for 5G backhaul and access solutions. These bands promise tremendous improvements in throughput in densely-populated areas. Advanced CMOS nodes allow to build cost-effective hardware, while at the same time guaranteeing small form factor and low power consumption. In this talk, we present highly integrated mm-wave circuits for 5G backhaul and access applications in an advanced CMOS node and demonstrate latest results beyond the state of the art, paving the way towards ubiquitous 5G mmWave systems.



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