On April 27, 2018, four teams participated in the event and faculties from WVUTech judged the presentations.
Please find the announcement for the competition below:
Goal: Promote student’s interest in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).
Sponsor: IEEE West Virginia Section
Possible Applicants: Junior and Senior College Students. Students from any college in the region covered by the IEEE West Virginia Section may submit a senior thesis, senior research, or senior design project to the Section for review.
Project Topics: Any topic which is related to an area of Technological Innovation for engineering, science and mathematics represented by the IEEE would be acceptable. This will include such related areas as Math, Computers, Power & Energy, Safety, Wireless and Related Technologies. The committee will make final decisions on whether a submitted project qualifies for any award.
Decision Criteria: Each application will be judged for originality, importance, and applicability. Each presentation will be limited to 20 minutes including setup, questions and answers. The project/presentation will be judged using the following criteria:
Project Overview (10%) – Each student group will submit by email to the IEEE West Virginia Section Vice-Chair (sanishrai@ieee.org) a short summary (maximum two pages) of the project in word document containing the important aspects of the project by providing project title, brief background, a statement of problem, methods used to address the problem being solved with results and conclusions.
Communication (30%) – The student’s ability to effectively convey to the audience their project objective, importance, originality, applicability, approach to solve problem, and conclusion. Also taken into consideration will be the quality of technical writing in the student’s report.
Research & Design Approach (30%) – The student’s research & design approach must be based on imagination as well as practicality.
Results (30%) – The student’s ability to demonstrate the technical data, and cost analysis to support the design outcome.
Physical Demonstration – This will account for 10% of the points by reallocating the other point percentages.
Application Procedure: Students should submit their projects overview by email to IEEE WV Section Vice- Chair at sanishrai@ieee.org by 5:00pm Thursday April 19, 2018.
The best 6 student applications will be notified by Monday April 23, 2018 and are invited to present a 15-20 minutes oral presentation on Friday, April 27, 2018 at 6:00pm at Golden Corral – Beckley, 1320 N Eisenhower Dr, Beckley, WV 25801.
After the presentations, there will be a judging session and the prizes will be awarded.