The IEEE Western Saudi Arabia is pleased to provide access to webinars conducted by its community members. 102550100 entries per pageSearch: DateTitleSpeakerHostLink 2022/02/26Transformers for Renewable Energy ProjectsIEEE PES Western Saudi Arabia 2022/02/13Roadmap to a Successful Career in Solar PV EngineeringIEEE PES Western Saudi Arabia 2022/02/06Fundamentals of Power QualityIEEE PES Western Saudi Arabia 2021/03/08Applications of Artificial Intelligence in BioengineeringProf. Yasser Mostafa KadahIEEE KAU Student Branch - Male 2021/02/25Arduino WorkshopKhalid Al Zahrani IEEE KAU Student Branch - Male 2021/02/01Convolutional Neural NetworksMrouj AlmuhajriIEEE SB at University of Jeddah 2020/12/02Blockchain for Decentralized Transactive Energy Management System in Distributed Electric Power Systems with Renewable Energy ResourcesProf. Mohammad Shahidehpour IEEE WSAS 2020/08/21Discover the World of DronesSami SarhanIEEE WSAS 2020/07//11Creativity at WorkDr. Hafidh S. AlSamarrai IEEE WSAS 2020/06/19My Successful Engineering JourneyIEEE WSAS Showing 1 to 10 of 21 entries‹123›