Activities 2010
Activities 2010
- 20-22 December 2010 <Postponed to further date> : Invitation of Distinguished Lecturer Professor Gianmarco Veruggio <link>:
- 6-8 July 2010 : UNIVEXPO in the International Fair of Sfax, Tunisia
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- 19 May 2010 : ROBOTICS@SFAX Workshop 2010 : The University of Sfax, The University Center of Innovation and Technology Transfer at ENIS, and The Center for Research and Promotion of Innovation at UTICA-Sfax organize the ROBOTICS@SFAX Workshop 2010 that aims at bringing together researchers, engineers and industrials for the identification of potential applications of robots in Tunisia’s industry.
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- 23-25 April 2010 : ROBOCOMP’2010, sponsored by IEEE RAS in the National School of Engineers of Sfax, Tunisia:
- Innovation in robotics building
- Wheeled robots for line following
- Wheeled robots for obstacle avoidance
- Biped robots for a walking race
- Robotics 4 Kids
- 14-17 March 2010 : 16th Workshop on Intelligent Machines: Theory & Applications WIMTA’2010 in Sousse, Tunisia <display>.
- 6 March 2010 : ROBOTICS@ENIS Invited Guest Professor Fathi H. Ghorbel:
- Building a Robotics Program at ENIS and Opportunities for International Research and Educational Collaborations,
- Discussions will include brainstorming about the state of Robotics research activities at ENIS,
- Funding opportunities for faculty and student exchange Development of Robotics Engineering Program at ENIS
- Place: Seminar Room, National School of Engineers of Sfax – Tunisia
- Time: Saturday, March 6, 2010