Integrity of Paper Review Process

This page is developed to clarify the following question: how are papers authored/co-authored by PWRD editorial board members processed by the same editorial board?

Papers authored/co-authored by EIC

A paper authored/co-authored by the EIC is processed by an acting EIC called “EiC-in-Large”. This individual is appointed by PES Publication board to process EIC related papers for all PES transactions. The review process is completely invisible to the EIC and the EIC is treated just like any other authors. This approach upholds the integrity of review process on one hand and allows the EICs to publish papers in the transactions of his/her choice.

Papers authored/co-authored by Guest EICs of special issues

PES transactions do not allow guest EICs to submit papers for his/her special issues or sections. This is a recent policy.

Papers authored/co-authored by editorial board members

These papers are processed by the EIC as any regular papers. Unrelated editors (such as those from a different continent) are assigned to process the papers. Submission of papers by guest editorial board members to their special sections are discouraged.


PWRD encourages its editorial board members to publish their works in PWRD. This demonstrates that the editorial board members are experienced in the PWRD topic areas, believe in the quality of the transaction, and are willing to let their papers to go through a rigorous review process.