Recognition of High Impact Works & Their Authors

PWRD editorial board has established two forms of recognitions to promote high quality, potentially influential innovative works and to acknowledge their authors. These are the “Editor’s Choice Paper” designation and a list of papers that have received highly favorable reviews.

Editor’s Choice Paper

“Editor’s Choice Paper” is nominated by editors based on reviewers’ comments and on if the paper has been singled out for prize paper award by at least one independent reviewer. We also encourage reviewers nominate a paper to EIC based on their views on the paper. Candidate papers must have been accepted for publication in PWRD.

Selection Process
Based on the nomination, EIC and Editor will work together to conduct further evaluation on the paper, including inviting comments from top experts in the field. Based on the comments received from various sources, decision will be made on the candidate paper.

Once a paper is selected as the “Editor’s Choice Paper”, the editorial board will host an one hour webinar for the authors to present their work to the PWRD community and other interested parties. The presentation will be uploaded to this website. This presentation is a requirement for a paper to be recognized as the “Editor’s Choice Paper”. In addition, PWRD editorial board will directly nominate one of the “Editor’s Choice Papers” for the IEEE PES Prize paper award competition.

The initial plan is to select 3 to 4 papers per year for the award on an on-going basis, such as 4 months per one paper. To qualify as an candidate, the paper must be nominated within six months of being accepted.

Papers Received Favorable Reviews

If a paper has received highly favorable and substantiated reviews such as being recommended by for prize paper award by at least one independent reviewer, it will be listed in this website as form of recognition. Such papers must have been accepted for publication in PWRD.

In addition, PWRD editorial board will nominate these papers for further evaluation by relevant technical committees. If successful, these committees will nominate the papers for Prize paper award. Depending on the technical committee, a committee level award could be given to a paper.


Remarks to authors: if you notice that the reviewer comments indicate your paper should be considered for prize paper award, please write to EIC with your paper number. This helps to ensure that the editorial board does not miss out on papers recommended for award by the reviewers.