Editor Appointment

Editor or associate editor has a considerable responsibility to a transaction and to its authors. PWRD appoints editors diligently based on the following considerations:

1. Research or industry experiences: An editor needs to be very familiar with the developments in his/her field of specialization and is expected to be an established person who knows and is known to the active researchers in the field. This level of reputation and experience will enable the person to attract proper reviewers and make sound assessment on the reviewer comments. One example evidence of such experiences is the IEEE Senior Membership. An ideal candidate would be an emerging or established expert in a field with active involvement in PES technical committees.

2. Solid publication record: Such a record demonstrates that an individual not only has a proven research expertise but also has good experiences on the paper review process. An individual who submits and publishes papers frequently in PWRD will have a better appreciation on what are experienced by the authors and the impact of paper review on them. He/she tends to be more careful in processing other’s work.

3. Strong record of PWRD paper review history: Such a record demonstrates that a person is willing to contribute to editorial work, cares to serve our profession, and is knowledgeable on the challenges and cultures of PWRD paper review. The record also gives confidence to the editorial board that this individual is dependable and can perform editor work in a responsible manner.

4. Field of specialization: An editor is expected to be an experienced researcher or practitioner in one of the fields that are covered by the PWRD scope. The expertise of interest to PWRD editorial board is shown in the list at the end. More information can be found from PWRD scope.

5. The need: editors are appointed when there is need by the editorial board. A need arises when increased papers are submitted in a specific field, a new field emerges or an existing editor retires.

It is often that the editorial board will search for qualified candidates for areas of needs proactively. Individuals who are passionate about paper publications and can satisfy the first 4 requirements are welcome to write to EIC. When a need arises and it matches the expertise, the most qualified candidates will be contacted.

Sample expertise of interest to PWRD editorial board:

  • Conductors such as overhead lines and cables (we are currently looking for a cable editor)
  • Power System Communications
  • Power System Instrumentation and Measurements
  • Power System Relaying and Protection
  • Substations
  • Surge Protective Devices
  • Switchgears
  • Transformers
  • HVDC and other power electronics T&D technologies
  • Power quality, harmonics and grounding
  • Simulation, analysis and control of power system transients
  • Work procedures, safety, tools, and equipment
  • Integration of distributed resources (apparatus aspects)
  • Power transmission and distribution technologies (apparatus related)

The editor appointment process is as follows:

  • A potential editor is identified (by 3rd party nomination, self nomination, EIC search etc.)
  • The candidate is given information on the responsibilities, expectations and guidelines of PWRD editorial work
  • EIC evaluates detailed CV and checks the review records of the candidate, if the candidate agrees with the job requirements
  • EIC nominates the candidate to VP-Publication of PES for approval
  • The candidate is appointed if approved by PES. More detailed information is provided to the appointee to assist his/her work

According to PES policy, the appointment period is 2 years per term and it can be renewed consecutively for 2 more terms


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