IEEE Sweden Section Annual General Meeting FY 2017 & Seminar on Industry 4.0


It is our pleasure to invite all our IEEE Sweden Section members to an exciting IEEE evening on Wednesday, 14 March, 2018 – either via web or physically in Stockholm.


Feel free to invite and bring a friend. The evening is divided into two parts:

·         The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the IEEE Sweden Section Fiscal Year 2017

·         An  IEEE Fellow Technical Lecture. The seminar will also be broadcast on the web


Time:                 14 March 2018; 18:00 local time. Registration starts 17:30

Venue:              Stockholm City, KTH Main Campus, Library – Studio C; Osquars backe 31


Our Distinguished Lecturer and new IEEE Fellow Bengt Lennartson, Chalmers University of Technology, will speak on “Industry 4.0 and Energy Optimization of Robot Systems”.


Relevant documents to be approved by the AGM FY2017 will be available on this website (follow links for Agenda and Annual Report). These include the meeting agenda, the FY2017 Annual Report  and the FY 2017 Annual Accounts (Auditors Report, Balance and Result reports).


Please register via this link and indicate your preferences. This web document will be updated regularly, so we kindly ask you to check out for any changes until Wednesday 14 March.

If you register to attend the Technical Lecture via the web, then more details on how to watch will later be mailed to you.


The evening is planned to run as follows

·         17:30 Registration, refreshments

·         18:00 IEEE Sweden Section AGM

·         18:30 Short break, refreshments. Broadcasting via the web begins

·         18:45 Technical lecture by IEEE Fellow Bengt Lennartson

·         19:45 Discussions

·         20:30 Closing. Broadcasting via the web ends


We wish you very welcome to this exciting IEEE evening! 

Please note that refreshments will be served, please register before Wednesday March 7, 2018. If you cancel, please mail us immediately, to


Welcome !


Mats Edvinsson

Chair IEEE Sweden Section


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