PhD. Rodrigo Guerra – UFSM
He holds a degree in Control and Automation Engineering from PUCRS (2001), a Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the UFRGS (2004), a PhD in Robotics from Osaka University (2008) and a PhD from UFRGS (2012). In Osaka he worked as a researcher in Epigenetic Robotics (2011). He is currently Prof. Deputy of UFSM. His areas of expertise are robotics, computer vision and machine learning.

PhD. Paulo Drews Jr – FURG
is a D.Sc. and M.Sc. in Computer Science at Federal University of Minas Gerais(UFMG) under supervisor of Prof. Mario Campos, Belo Horizonte, Brazil. His doctoral dissertation was focused in restoration of images acquired in participating media. His master thesis was focused on change detection and shape retrieval in 3D Maps. He graduated in Computer Engineering in 2007 at the Federal Univesity of Rio Grande (FURG), Rio Grande, Brazil. His main research interests are robotics, computer vision, image processing, pattern recognition and machine learning. He was a researcher at the ISR Coimbra’s Mobile Robotics Lab, colaborating, as a research fellow on the FP projects Prometheus and IRPS. He was also a visiting researcher in the Autonomous System Lab at QCAT-CSIRO, Brisbane, Australia. Currently, he is Assistant Professor of the Center for Computational Science – C3 at Federal University of Rio Grande – FURG.

PhD. Danilo Perico – FEI
He holds a Master’s Degree and a PhD in Electrical Engineering from FEI University Center (2009, 2012 and 2017). He has experience in the area of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, working mainly on the following topics: machine learning, humanoid robots, probabilistic robotics and spatial reasoning. He is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at FEI University Center.