IEEE DEI and IA- Schenectady Chapters, a hybrid webinar on the topic of “How to Specify a Motor With the Smorgasbord of Standards”
TODAY’S PROCESS INDUSTRY ENGINEER must specify a motor with the plethora of industry standards from various standards development organizations around the globe in mind. This presentation provides a basic overview of the issues that are essential in the decision process when purchasing a new motor and is directed toward the engineer who must specify motors but is not familiar with all potential requirements. The presentation reviews two base motor standards and supporting standards for specific tests and design practices – like insulation and vibration. It provides guidance on justifying the options selected and purchase recommendations. It reviews Specialty Standards that cover requirements, such as repair and application in classified hazardous areas, and presents several case histories that demonstrate problems experienced when a motor is not properly specified.
Date: 13 June 2024
Time: 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
This event has virtual attendance info. Please visit the event page to attend virtually.
3041 Troy-Schenectady Rd
Niskayuna, New York
United States 12309
Meeting room is in the main building
Registration is open, ending at 12 PM on 12 June.

Dennis Bogh (M’73, SM90, LM22) has a BS in Electrical Engineering from the University of Washington in Seattle. He was employed by General Electric for 39 ½ years in various capacities including field engineering, management, and sales. Since 2015, he has consulted for his own company, Bogh Consulting. He is currently employed by IPS (Integrated Power Services), as a senior consulting engineer. He participates as a member of the API 541, API 546, API 547, and IEEE 841 committees. He is a registered Professional Engineer in the State of Washington.
Donald G. Dunn (S’87-M’91-SM’99-F’22) is a Senior Consultant with
Waldemar S. Nelson & Company providing services to the Refining,
Chemical, and various other industries. He has held engineering and
management positions at several major refining and chemical companies during his over 25-year career. He is currently a Fellow member of the IEEE and the ISA. He is a member of the IEEE, ISA, NFPA, API, and IEC standards development organizations. He co-chairs ISA18, chairs IEEE 841 & 841.1 and is the convener of IEC62682. Mr. Dunn served as the IEEE Houston Section chairman in 2001, 2002, 2006, 2011-2012, Vice President for the ISA Standards and Practices Board in 2011-2012, chairman of the IEEE IAS Petroleum and Chemical Industry Committee (PCIC) 20122014 and chairman of the API Subcommittee on Electrical Equipment 2012-2015. In 2015, he was elected to serve a three-year term on the ISA Board of Directors and is the past chairman of the PCIC A&A subcommittee.
Note that this will be a virtual presentation, with an audience gathering to view and interact online with the speakers in Niskayuna, NY. The virtual platform will be WebEx, which supports participation through your browser and does not require an account. WebEx recommends downloading the application, however, which may require 10-15 minutes to complete and can be done anytime beforehand.