Yes, the IEEE UOB Student branch is responsible for many technical workshops around the campus but in the spirit of trying new things and allowing better development opportunities for engineers-to-be around campus, the SB organised a not-so-technical workshopwhere one of the most important aspects of a student/engineer’s life was discussed: Time Management. The workshop held on the 30th of March, was headed by Dr. Abdulrahman Al Sayed, a respected UOB staff member. Dr. Al Sayed, being experienced on the matter, managed (ha! get it?) to get make the workshop professional and useful as well as fun and effortless and many of the attendees praised the content that was discussed and how it played out. The workshop was very interactive and and thats what most of the students praise: The questions, the jokes, the light-heartedness of the event and basically the whole package. It was interesting to see the students admit to wasted time and their willingness to to change daily patterns to improve the quality of their work and productivity. After all, this the aim of most of what the Student Branch is part of: Management, improvement and creating change.