Keynote Speaker 1 : Prof. Ulung Datuk Dr. Harith Bin Ahmad (Director of Photonics Research Centre Universiti Malaya)

Prof. Ulung Datuk Dr. Harith Bin Ahmad obtained his degree in Physics from University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur in 1979 with First Class Honors. Subsequently, he pursued his further study at University of Wales (Now University of Swansea) in MSc in Ionization Physics (1980) and Ph.D. in Lasers (1983). Since his returning he has actively involved in promoting research in lasers and laser applications. He has garnered numerous grants from Ministry of Science and Technology (Malaysia), Telekom Malaysia (Equivalent to British Telecoms) and many other sources. With this large fundings he has built up a very equipped facility in lasers, beginning with gas lasers moving towards solid state lasers. Various optical techniques were developed such as Q-switching, mode locking, and sophisticated approached as optical parametric oscillation and optical parametric amplifier. Frequency doubling, tripling and others are also undertaken during this period from 1983 to 1995. From here, Prof. Ulung Datuk Dr. Harith Bin Ahmad ventured in optical fiber devices together with Telekom Malaysia establishing a research facility in optical based fibre devices. He has collaborated with Optoelectronics Research Centre, University of Southampton under the guidance of Sir Prof. David Payne and other members of the centre. It is the first of its kind in ASEAN region. This was further expanded into the national centre for photonics research by the government of Malaysia.
Keynote Speaker 2 : Assoc. Prof Dr. Indrarini Dyah Irawati (Telkom University)

Assoc. Prof Dr. Indrarini Dyah Irawati, obtained B.E and M.E degree in Electrical Engineering at Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia and doctoral degree in the School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Institute of Technology Bandung. She joined School of Applied Science, Telkom University as an Instructor (2007-2013), Assistant Professor (2014-2018), Associate Professor (2019-present). Her main research interests are in the areas of compressive sensing, watermarking, signal processing, computer network, and IoT. She is currently a member of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), the International Association of Engineers (IAENG), and IEEE. She has published more than 25 research papers-mostly the top ranked journal Scopus Indexed by IEEE, Springer, Elsevier, and 20 Conference papers-mostly the top ranked international conference, 3 books, 1 book chapter, 15 Intellectual property rights, and 1 patent.