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2018 IEEE Malaysia Annual General Meeting

January 27, 2018

Dear IEEE Fellow, Senior Members, Members and Graduate Student Members,

The upcoming annual general meeting (AGM) of the members of IEEE Malaysia Section, and it’s Chapters will be held as per the details below.

Date: 27 January 2017 (Saturday)
Time: 8.30 am – 4:00 pm
Venue: The Everly Hotel, Putrajaya

You are cordially invited to attend the AGM. A door gift shall be given to the first 200 members who register for the meeting. Online registration is closed on 26th January 2018, 1700 hrs. Please register for this event by submitting your details below:

Tentative agenda of the meeting is as below:

0830 Registration and Coffee
0900 Chapter AGM (morning session)
1000 Coffee *Last call – door gift collection and submission of nomination form
1230 Lunch
1400 Chapter AGM (afternoon session)
1530 Coffee

The IEEE Section AGM Agenda:
1. To accept the minutes of the 27th Annual General Meeting
2. To receive Chairman’s Report for 2017 Session
3. To receive the Treasurer’s Report and Accounts for 2017 Session
4. Dissolution of Committee for 2017 Session
6. Election of Committee for 2018 Session and to appoint 2 auditors
7. Any other business

For the nomination of IEEE Malaysia Executive Committee 2017, please use the form that can be downloaded here

Thank you.
IEEE Malaysia Section


January 27, 2018


IEEE Malaysia Section


The Everly Hotel
Putrajaya Putrajaya Malaysia + Google Map