2nd IEEE AGM and Postgraduate Workshop
on 11th of July 2018 (tuesday), UniKL IEEE Student Branch have organized it 2nd Annual…
Hari Raya Celebration 2018
UniKL IEEE Student Branch alongside Research and Innovation Section; and Postgraduate srction Universiti Kuala Lumpur…
Professional Lecture Series@ UniKL BMI
On 7th March 2018, UniKL IEEE Student Branch has organized a professional talk conducted by…
UniKL @ Mega Postgraduate Fair 2018, KLCC
UniKL IEEE SB Caunselor alongside MeSRA Chancellery Division, UniKL attended the Mega Career & Postgraduate Fair…
2018 IEEE Malaysia Annual General Meeting
IEEE Malaysia Section held IEEE Malaysia Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2018 on Saturday, January 27, 2018 at The Everly Putrajaya, Presint 1, Putrajaya….
IEEE Malaysia Student Congress
2017 IEEE Malaysia Student Congress was held on 18th November 2017 Auditorium of Kompleks Dewan Kuliah, Universiti…
IEEEexplore Training
UniKL IEEE Student Branch alongside Saniah Redzuan Learning Hub organized an IEEE Explore Training at UniKL BMI…
Distinguished Public Lecture by Prof Osman Tokhi
UniKL IEEE Student branch organized a technical talk on 20 Sep 2017. The talk were conducted…
UniKL IEEE Student Branch 1st Annual General Meeting
The first annual grand meeting for Unikl IEEE Student Branch was held on 23rd August…
Final Year Project Seminar, International Islamic University Malaysia
The final year project seminar of IIUM were held on Thursday June 08, 2017 at…