Initial Paper Submission
Prospective authors are kindly invited to submit full paper (s) in English, 4-6 pages long including results, tables, figures and references (A4 size), in the form of PDF file to the conference electronically through [EDAS]
All submitted articles should report original, previously unpublished research results, experimental or theoretical. Articles submitted to the Conference should meet these criteria and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts should follow the style of the Conference given below and manuscript will be reviewed by at least two experts selected by the conference Technical Committee.
Authors must STRICTLY follow the templates provided. Authors must prepare and submit the manuscript based on the IEEE Conference format which can be downloaded from the following link [IEEE TEMPLATE]. We suggest that authors copy and paste the content into the given templates. Failure to adhere to the format in the template will result in technical reject of submitted manuscript. The authors must not indicate their names, affiliations and acknowledgements in the initial paper submission.
A peer review process will be used to evaluate all papers submitted for consideration. If a paper is accepted, at least one author needs to register and present the paper. For final paper submission, kindly refer the instructions in the next section.
Final Paper Submission
The following steps are required for final paper submission :
STEP 1 : Please revise your paper carefully according to comments and suggestions addressed by the reviewers. Final submission is required even if you do not intend to make any changes to your initial submission.
STEP 2 : Please ensure the amendment made must not exceed 6 pages using the same conference templated in [IEEE TEMPLATE].
STEP 3 : Remove the copyright footer that appear at the bottom of the left column “XXX-X-XXXX-XXXX-X/XX/$XX.00 ©️20XX IEEE” in the IEEE Paper Template.
STEP 4 : Complete the IEEE Electronic Copyright Transfer Form through EDAS. IEEE copyright form is to be signed electronically or manually – a separate communication will be made on this with Authors by the conference Publication Chair.
STEP 5 : The submission file should be converted in PDF format that must be generated by the IEEE PDF eXpress site [PDF eXpress]. For first time users, the author is required to create an account. Enter the conference ID – 58637X.
STEP 6 : The final camera-ready version of your paper in PDF format must be uploaded through EDAS latest by 24 July 2023.
STEP 7 : The normal registration must be completed by 31 July 2023. Failure to do so may result in your paper from being excluded from the final conference program and proceedings.
STEP 8 : Assign a presenter and update the presenter information in EDAS profile. Make sure the presenter name is correctly entered as it will be used in the certificate of attendance/presentation.
STEP 9 : Prepare the ICE2T 2023 conference slide using the templates provided [Template slide]
Please follow this given guideline, otherwise, the paper will not be included in IEEE Xplore.