UniKL IEEE Student Branch and Postgraduate Section of UniKL BMI organized an Artificial Neural Network (Ann): Application in Power System Workshop, 3rd April 2019. This hands-on workshop is part of the machine learning series which introduces users to one of the most commonly used machine learning algorithm- Artificial Neural Network (ANN). An introduction on the background and general overview will be covered in this workshop. Importance of ANN in power system application will be the main focus of this workshop with interactive hands-on session on various power system problems being addressed.
The workshop was conducted by Dr Kanendra Naidu Vijyakumar.
Trainer Biography:
Dr Kanendra Naidu is the Head of Electrical Technology Section at UniKL BMI. He obtained his Master and PhD in Electrical Engineering from Universiti of Malaya in 2011 and 2015 respectively. He has strong research interest in the field of electrical engineering specializing in the implementation of artificial intelligence in power system. He also has strong working experience in variety of evolutionary and swarm based optimization techniques, graph theory, wavelet transform and artificial neural network.