Chapter Constitution

Constitution of the IEEE EDS/EPS Student Technical Chapter
at University of California, Los Angeles

Version 1.0 (Updated: 10/3/18)


Article I – Name and Purpose

  • The official name of this organization shall be The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Electron Devices Society and Electronics Packaging Society Technical Chapter at University of California, Los Angeles—further known as IEEE EDS/EPS Student Technical Chapter at UCLA (“the Chapter”).
  • IEEE EDS/EPS Student Technical Chapter at UCLA is a constituent of the Coastal Los Angeles Section (CLAS) of IEEE and operates under direct jurisdiction of Region 6 as defined by IEEE Headquarters.
  • The purpose of this organization is to engage graduate and undergraduate students in cutting-edge research conducted in the fields of fabrication, devices, and packaging; to encourage student involvement and professional development; to promote cross-disciplinary collaborations; and to connect students directly with members of industry and the IEEE Electron Devices (EDS) and IEEE Electronics Packaging (EPS) societies.


Article II – Bylaws & Constitutional Amendments

  • The organization and operation of the Chapter shall be in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws of IEEE and the Chapter.
  • Bylaws are specific rules, restrictions, and duties of the organization. Individual officers are subject to the bounds of the Constitution.
  • The Chapter is empowered to adopt Bylaws which are consistent with this Constitution. Bylaws may be adopted at a Chapter meeting or Executive Committee meeting with a simple majority vote.
  • The Constitution may be amended if the following clauses for each amendment are satisfied:
    • Any amendment to the Constitution must be proposed during a public meeting at least 1 week prior to a vote being held.
    • Each amendment must be vote upon by all Chapter members present at the time of the vote. A two-thirds majority vote in favor of the amendment must pass for the amendment to take effect.
    • The time, date, and location of must be publicly disclosed to all Chapter Members at least 7 days prior to any vote being conducted.


Article III – Membership

  • Membership to the IEEE EDS/EPS Student Technical Chapter at UCLA shall only be granted to registered graduate and undergraduate UCLA students. Student members are encouraged to register as international IEEE members; however, they are not required to purchase membership to participate in the student organization (except for elected Executive Committee members who are required to obtain student membership as defined in Article IV, Section 2). Student members are also allowed to vote during chapter elections, Constitutional Amendment referendums, and Executive Committee meetings.
  • Nondiscrimination clause: Membership shall be open to all people who meet the requirements of Section 1, regardless of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status.
  • Members are heavily encouraged to register for IEEE student membership (currently $32/year fee as of July 2018).
  • No membership dues directly from the Chapter shall be imposed on members of the Chapter.
  • The Executive Committee may vote to approve membership incentives with a simple majority vote.
  • Members of the Chapter have the rights to:
    • Freedom of expression pertaining to the Chapter.
    • Freedom of access to any Chapter or Executive Committee meeting.
    • Freedom of petition to redress any grievances caused by activities of the Chapter.
    • Right to vote in all Chapter elections and member referendums.
  • All members who have contributed significantly to the Chapter shall be recognized at the End-of-the-Year Banquet.
  • The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage the rights retained by other members of the Chapter.


Article IV – The Executive Committee:

  • The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Program Committee Chair, Membership Committee Chair, and Publicity Committee Chair. The Executive Committee is advised directly by the Chapter Counselor.
    • The Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer positions are the only elected positions. The Chair is responsible for promptly appointing Program, Membership, and Publicity committee chairs.
    • The Chair can add additional appointed positions to their cabinet without modification of the Constitution being required. (e.g. appointing a Webmaster position).
  • Candidates for any of the elected positions (Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer) must be a current member of the Chapter for a minimum of one quarter and must be registered as an international IEEE student member. Candidates must also be registered as a student member of at least one of the two parent societies (EDS and EPS).
    • If a candidate for an elected position is not able to afford IEEE student membership as well as societal membership to one or both parent societies (EDS and EPS), the societal membership requirement can be waived by Executive Committee approval. IEEE Student Membership is mandatory.
  • Members of the Executive Committee shall be elected during the month of April (beginning of the Spring academic quarter) for a term of one (1) school year. Officer terms begin May 1st and end on April 30th of the following year.
    • In the event of an officer resignation during the middle of a term, the Executive Committee can hold a vote to appoint a member to fill any vacancies with a simple majority vote.
    • In the event of an unfilled officer position for any other reason, the Executive Committee can hold a vote to fill vacant seats.
  • Any officer or Chapter member may propose new initiatives or modifications to current programs or Chapter activities.
  • A minimum of 3 officers are required at all Executive Committee meetings to hold a vote. Members are also allowed to attend and vote in any Executive Committee meetings.
  • A student may serve a maximum of two (2) consecutive terms as the Chapter Chair. No term limits exist for any of the other Executive Committee positions.
  • Each committee (Program, Membership, and Publicity) Chair may appointee any Chapter member to serve on their committee and carry out the goals and responsibilities of their respective committee.
  • Chair Responsibilities:
    • Preside at all meetings of the Student Chapter.
    • Hold regular meetings of the Chapter Executive Committees.
    • Appoint Program, Publicity, and Membership committee Chairs promptly.
    • Complete the annual IEEE Annual Activity Report due no later than November 1st of each year (
    • Report all technical and humanitarian activities of the Chapter to the EDS Chapter through Student Chapter Activity reports:
    • Arrange for the election of new Officers annually and report via vTools Officer Reporting (
    • Ensure smooth transition of information and materials to newly elected Officers and arrange an orderly transfer of Student Chapter records.
    • Coordinate activities with the local Section and Region volunteers.
    • Communicate frequently with the IEEE Student Branch at UCLA (
  • Vice-Chair Responsibilities:
    • Assist the Chapter Chair in following up on assigned committee responsibilities.
    • Organize field trips or special events beyond regular program efforts.
    • Perform all functions of the Chapter Chair in her/his absence or upon request by the Chair.
  • Secretary Responsibilities:
    • Keep detailed minutes of each meeting.
    • Maintain the membership roster and committee assignments on the Branch website.
    • Be responsible for all correspondence.
    • Post a calendar of events.
    • Ensure that the Chapter Constitution and Bylaws are adhered to.
    • Arrange for an orderly transfer of all records to the incoming Secretary.
  • Treasurer Responsibilities:
    • Maintain the appropriate financial accounts.
    • Serve as one of the two signatories on the chapter bank account (the other being the Chapter Counselor).
    • Prepare an annual budget as well as the final Financial Statement for inclusion in the Annual Activity Report to be submitted by the Chapter Chair.
    • Oversee all fundraising efforts.
    • Arrange for an orderly transfer of all financial records to the incoming Treasurer.
  • Program Committee Chair Responsibilities:
    • Organize Distinguished Lecturer and Seminar series at UCLA.
    • Organize volunteer and humanitarian events.
    • Organize workshops and networking events.
    • Organize annual End-of-the-Year Banquet to celebrate Chapter accomplishments and acknowledge all Chapter members who made significant contributions to the Chapter during the school year.
  • Membership Committee Chair Responsibilities:
    • Maintain active members list (including students with IEEE membership as well as students with IEEE EDS and/or IEEE EPS society membership(s) as well).
    • Assist Chapter Chair with submission of Student Chapter Activity Reports to IEEE EDS and IEEE EPS societies.
  • Publicity Committee Chair Responsibilities:
    • Organize all marketing and publicity campaigns for the Chapter.
    • Maintain active social media accounts and member email lists.
    • Advertise applicable events to appropriate engineering organizations and HSSEAS departments.
  • Chapter Counselor & Responsibilities:
    The Student Branch Counselor is a University or College faculty member and active IEEE Member who serves as an adviser to the Branch. The Counselor lends a sense of continuity and is a key individual whose participation is vital to the success of a Branch.The Branch Counselor is appointed by the local Section Chair, upon the recommendation of the Student Members and the Regional SAC Chair (RSAC) and serves with the approval of the Department Head. The appointment (or re-appointment) is normally for two years, commencing July 1. Once a new Counselor is elected, report via addition to maintaining a vibrant and good working rapport with the student Officers, the Counselor should be in frequent contact with the Section SAC Chair. He/she should act as a liaison with the Section, the Region, and IEEE Headquarters, and should be familiar with all aspects of Branch operations.

    • Serve as one of the two signatories on the chapter bank account.
    • Ensure that information (via email generally) from IEEE Headquarters is transmitted to the student Officers.
    • Attend Executive Committee meetings and assist the committees.
    • Participate in Regional Activities Committee meetings.
    • Consult with the Section SAC Chair, Regional SAC Chair, or Region Director about activities or problems.
    • Promote IEEE Student Membership (
    • Foster good relations with the local Section and encourage students to establish regular liaison with the Section SAC Chair.
    • Promote student awareness of awards, contests, and benefits of IEEE Membership.
    • Establish industrial contacts for programs and activities.
      Assist with promoting activities to other faculty members.

Article V – Officer Probation and Impeachment Procedures:

  • An officer may propose to put any other officer of the Executive Committee on probation at any Executive Committee meeting.
    • The accused officer must be allowed to defend themselves.
    • Probation proceedings require a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the Executive Committee. A minimum of four (4) Executive Committee members must be present to hold a vote, excluding the accused officer.
    • All present Executive Committee members, except for the initiator and the probated member, must determine the length and conditions of probation.
    • At the end of the probation, the Executive Committee must hold an additional vote to determine whether the probated member shall be reinstated or expelled from their position. A two-thirds (⅔) vote of the Executive Committee is required to expel the officer. A minimum of four (4) Executive Committee members must be present to hold a vote.
    • Chapter members are not allowed to vote during any probation proceedings.