What is IEEE?

IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), an association dedicated to advancing innovation and technological excellence for the benefit of humanity, is the world’s largest technical professional society. It is designed to serve professionals involved in all aspects of the electrical, electronic, and computing fields and related areas of science and technology that underlie modern civilization.


What is IEEE student branch?

Student Branches provide an opportunity for IEEE Student members to begin networking in their areas of interest and future profession. There are over 3,000 Student Branches in over 100 countries, globally.


What is IEEE student member?

Student elevation is handled twice a year – in June and August. Once an IEEE Student member or Graduate Student member reaches his or her graduation date (based on information provided by the student), IEEE elevates them to the next grade of IEEE membership for which they qualify.  Approximately 20,000 students graduate each year.
The first elevation is done in June (Student members or Graduate Student members with graduation dates between 1 January and 30 June). Those individuals elevated to Member grade will receive a ballot to vote in IEEE elections in September. The second elevation is done in August (Student members or Graduate Student members with graduation dates between 1 July and 31 December).  IEEE supports recent graduates by providing a 50% discount off IEEE dues the first year after graduation.  There is no paper work involved to qualify and individuals will automatically receive the appropriate discount on the next renewal bill (sent in October each year) following their graduation date.  This “recent graduate” discount is only available once in a lifetime.


Why do students join the IEEE?

IEEE opens the door to opportunities that will help you develop your professional identity in IEEE’s designated fields of interest: sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). In addition to accessing a range of membership benefits, you’ll make global connections with people who can help you along your targeted career path through IEEE’s international community of members and volunteers.


How can I join IEEE SUST SB as an active member, volunteer, or committee member?

You need to be student of SUST and an IEEE member. To be an active member, it’s only a matter of your willingness to volunteer in section events, attend, or even run for a section committee position. Section elections happen periodically, you need to be eligible for the position you’re nominating yourself for, and be voted for it.



What happens to my IEEE Student membership after I graduate?

After graduating, you become a graduate student member for a while, then a regular member. Later on, you can be given higher grades, such as senior member, and fellow member, but these are earned in time and based on how many years you spend with IEEE.