Ahmmad Musha
Vice-Chair (Technical)
Ahmmad Musha has completed his Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Pabna University of Science and Technology. He worked as ‘Vice Chair’ for the IEEE PUST Student Branch from January 2020 to December 2020. He was responsible for the direction and maintenance of the ‘Program and Membership Committee’ in order to plan numerous activities effectively. He was affiliated with organizing 8 technical seminars, 6 technical workshops, and 1 job preparation talk. During this time, membership climbed from 20 to 44. In addition, in the absence of the branch Chair, he carried out all of his obligations. Before this, he worked as ‘Webmaster’ of this branch previously.
He also worked as an instructor at the IEEE PUST Student Branch.
Recognition of IEEE PUST Student Branch
IEEE Membership No: 95267049
Cell: +8801924-963482
Email: mushaxyz@gmail.com or ahmmadmusha@gmail.com
Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/mushaxyz