IEEE PUST Student Branch Has Successfully Arranged a “Workshop on Internet of Things(IoT)-101:Learn-ESP8266” on 9th November 2017 at Pabna University of Science and Technology.
Keynote Speaker of the Workshop:
Rakibul Islam Chowdhury
B.S.c in EEE Engineering (BUET)
Member, IEEE Region 10 HTA Project Grant Winner, 2017 Member, Outstanding Undergraduate Educational Impact Award Winning Team, International Future Energy Challenge, USA, 2015
Member, 1st Prize Winning Team in International Autonomous Robotics Challenge 2015 (iARC) arranged by IIT,Kanpur ,India
Guest Speaker of the Workshop:
Mahfizur Rahman Khan
Graduate Student Member , IEEE
Public Relation Lead (Bangladesh), IEEEXtreme 11.0
Former Chair, IEEE RUET Student Branch
Prerequisites of the Workshop on IOT
(1). Participants must install Arduino IDE first from
(2) Follow the Below tutorial (Youtube Link Given) to add ESP8266 board to the IDE.
Please View this Video tutorial and do what it’s saying to do:
(3). Participants must bring at least one laptop per group with charger.
(4) Participants also need to open an account in and expected to have a gmail account.
(5). It is advised to bring high speed internet during the workshop. One of the many solutions can be making hotspot using smartphone with enough data or bringing their own modem.
Our Facebook Page:
Event Name:Internet of Things(IoT)-101:Learn-ESP8266
Venue:Gallery-2, Pabna University of Science and Technology.
Program Starts:9:00 A.M
Registration Deadline:06/11/2017
Registration fee: 250 TK (For IEEE Member)
300 TK (Non IEEE Member)