IEEE PUST Student Branch arranged a General Board Meeting in the Dept. of EEE and Formed an Executive Committee For Session 2017. The Committee was formed in the presence of Honorable Chairman of Dept. of EEE, Honorable Adviser, Councilor of IEEE PUST SB, & all the student members of IEEE PUST Student Branch. All the Executive Members were selected with the Detailed Discussion among Counselor, Adviser & Chairman of the Department. The Student Members also participated in the selection process making it an electoral form. The Councilor, Adviser & Other Professional Members Present in the Meeting directed the new Executive Committee about the roles and regulation of their Posts. Also they Cordially Welcomed the New Committee members & it was a really joyful & refreshing Memories for the New EX-COM Members.
Here is Our EX-COM Members & Their Designations
Advisor : Md. Galib Hasan
Councilor : Nadia Afrin
Chair : Md. Masum Billah
Co-Chair : Ovi Mirza
General Secretary : Md. Ebrahim Kholil
Treasurer : Imran Ahmed