IEEE PUST Student Branch Arranged a 5 days long Seminar on “Engineering Software” from 31st October to 4th November, 2016. The Seminar Covered the Following “Engineering Software” : PVSyst, PSCAD, ReTScreen, Mathematica, Homer, Amps, Research Methodology, LateX, MATLAB etc. Also Certificate was given to every Participant of the Seminar. Students from every Department of Engineering Faculty participated and it was an amazing experience for IEEE PUST Student Branch. We provided a brief history of all those five ( 5 ) days here and also some of the participants with their certificates. Certificates were signed by the Counselor & Adviser of IEEE PUST Student Branch and Chairman, Department of EEE.
Keynote Speakers of the Seminar :
(1) Prof. Dr. Md. Rafiqul Islam Sheikh
Dean, Faculty of Electrical and
Electronic Engineering , RUET
(2) Dr. Md. Rabiul Islam
Associate Professor ,
Department of EEE, RUET
DAY – 1
Speaker :
A.H.M. Iftekharul Ferdous
Lecturer, Department of EEE, PUST
DAY – 2
(1) Md. Galib Hasan
Assistant Professor, Department of EEE, PUST
(2) Md. Feroz Ali
Assistant Professor, Department of EEE, PUST
DAY – 3
Tonmoy Ghosh
Lecturer, Department of EEE, PUST
DAY – 4
(1) Diponkar Kundu
Assistant Professor ,Department of EEE, PUST
(2) Dr. Md. Rabiul Islam
Assistant Professor,Department of EEE, PUST
DAY – 5
(1) Prof. Dr. Md. Rafiqul Islam Sheikh
Dean, Faculty of Electrical and
Electronic Engineering , RUET
(2) Dr. Md. Rabiul Islam
Associate Professor ,
Department of EEE, RUET
Certificates Provided to the Participants