Articles by IEEEPolitoSB

The first PitchD is arriving!

26 March 2019 – 17.30 Politecnico di Torino – Maxwell Room The first PitchD – the PhD’s pitch event is going to arrive. Our PhD IEEE Student Members explain to students, collegues…

Maria-Alexandra Paun Visit

We are very grateful for Dr. Maria-Alexandra Paun visit to our University and we were very happy about hosting her. The members enjoyed very much her talk on analysis and…

Merry Christmas and Season’s Greetings!

The Politecnico di Torino IEEE Student Branch would like to say Merry Christmas and Season’s Greetings to all of our members and followers. See you in the new year for…

Boost your career with IEEE!

18 December 2018 Prof. Gianluca Setti IEEE Fellow Member, Politecnico di Torino How the IEEE can support your career? Join us to discover what is the role IEEE plays in an…

IEEE Day Happy Hour!!

The Politecnico di Torino IEEE Student Branch organises the first Happy Hour to commemorate the 2018 IEEE Day and to celebrate the winning of the Most Improved Student Branch award. We would…