Talk on “Electric Safety”

An expert talk on “Electrical Safety” was conducted by Mr. V.S. Murthy on the 26th of August 2019, from 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm in room no-109 in the Electrical Engineering Department, University College of Engineering, Osmania University. It was hosted by the PES Student Chapter of the IEEE OUCE Student Branch. Students of 2nd, 3rd and 4th year of EEE department attended the talk.

The talk’s main aim was to enlighten the students about the dangers of working with electricity and electrical devices. The first few slides dealt with the main causes of electric mishaps in our day to day lives, and the different methods that can be implemented to avoid them. Then, some data was shown regarding how much resistance our body offers in various conditions and what affect different amounts of current will have on our body. Furthermore, a brief description was given on the types of burns that electricity can cause and how to provide first aid immediately to the affected victim. The session ended with a small video showing the above-mentioned topics in animated format so that the attendees could get a better understanding of what was taught.

The session will prove to be very useful for the attendees as they had started working in 230V supplied labs from this semester and the provided information will help them in ensuring their safety.