Online Poetry Competition

Qualifier Round : 7th Dec to 13th Dec 2020

1. The competition will be conducted in two rounds. In the first round, that is, the Qualifier round, participants will submit their poems in the scripted form. There is no restriction on the topic. Participants will be screened by expert jury.
2. The second round is a recital which will be conducted on an online platform.
3. Participants must avoid the use of any cuss words or unparliamentary language. Controversial topics are not allowed.
4.The competition will be in 3 languages: Telugu, Hindi and English. Participants may also send Urdu poems which will be considered under the Hindi category.
5. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited.
6. All undergraduate students are eligible for the competition.

Please click on the link below to register yourselves.

For more details, contact :
Akhila M : 6303958886
Hasitha : 9390553555

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